发布时间:2018-08-08 10:51
【摘要】:梅特涅尔是19世纪末20世纪初的俄罗斯钢琴家、作曲家,他对音乐史和音乐体裁史最大的贡献是创立了钢琴抒情-叙事性小品体裁——童话(Fairy Tales),为浪漫主义钢琴小品体裁增加了新的类型。本文分五个章节对梅特涅尔及其钢琴童话进行分析说明。 梅特涅尔的创作观受古典主义和浪漫主义音乐很大影响,,音乐具有明确的文学性含义。德国和俄罗斯两种传统文化、德国古典、浪漫派作曲家和俄罗斯古典传统音乐在梅特涅尔的创作中都有明确的体现,论文第一章“梅特涅尔音乐创作的文化背景”对此问题进行了论述。第二章“梅特涅尔钢琴童话的体裁特征”涉及四方面的内容:名称的来源、童话与其它小品体裁的比较、童话的标题性含义与六种不同形象特征。第三章“梅特涅尔钢琴童话的创作阶段分期及主要特性”对三十八部钢琴童话按照三个创作阶段进行作品内容、性格、音乐结构等方面的分析,对不同阶段的主要特征进行了归纳,并做出分类。第四章“梅特涅尔代表性作曲技法特征总结”是在第三章的基础上,将梅特涅尔最具代表性与普遍性的两种作曲技法——音乐素材的高度统一与多样性节奏的运用作以详尽的分析。第五章“《童话》与《童话奏鸣曲》的比较”论述了童话体裁在其它体裁音乐创作中的渗透,并以童话奏鸣曲的创作为实例进行了比较性分析。 本文通过以上的分析、研究、论述,选取了最能代表梅特涅尔创作成就的钢琴童话作为研究对象,采用音乐史学研究和音乐本体分析相结合并辅以比较音乐学的研究方法,试图对梅特涅尔这位因创作观念和技法与当时所处时代(20世纪初)的音乐潮流相悖而没有引起足够重视的作曲家进行重新解读和定位,以期取得学术界的共鸣,并对梅特涅尔重新做出客观的历史评价。
[Abstract]:Metnell was a Russian pianist and composer at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. His greatest contribution to the history of music and genre is the creation of piano lyricism-narrative genre-fairy tale (Fairy Tales), adds new types to Romantic piano genre. This paper is divided into five chapters to analyze Metnell and his piano fairy tales. Metnell's view of creation was greatly influenced by classicism and romanticism, and music had a clear literary meaning. German and Russian traditional cultures, German classical, romantic composers and Russian classical traditional music are clearly reflected in Metrnell's creation. In the first chapter, "the cultural background of Metrnell's music creation", this problem is discussed. The second chapter, "the genre characteristics of Metnell's Piano Fairy Tales", involves four aspects: the origin of the name, the comparison between the fairy tale and other genres, the title meaning and six different image features of the fairy tale. Chapter three, "the stages and main characteristics of the creation of Metnell's Piano Fairy Tales", analyzes 38 piano fairy tales in terms of their content, character and music structure according to the three stages of their creation. The main features of different stages are summarized and classified. Chapter four, "Summary of the characteristics of Metrnell's representative composition techniques", is based on the third chapter. This paper makes a detailed analysis of Metrnell's two most representative and universal composing techniques, the high unity of music material and the application of diverse rhythm. Chapter five, "comparison between fairy tale" and "fairy tale sonata", discusses the penetration of fairy tale genre in other genres of music creation, and takes the creation of fairy tale sonata as an example to carry on comparative analysis. Through the above analysis, research and discussion, this paper selects the piano fairy tale, which is the most representative of Metrnell's creation achievement, as the research object, and combines the music history research with the music ontology analysis and the comparative musicology research method. This paper attempts to reinterpret and position Metnell, a composer whose creative ideas and techniques are contrary to the musical trends of his time (early 20th century) and did not receive sufficient attention, in order to gain a sympathetic resonance in the academic world. And to Metrnell to make the objective historical evaluation again.
[Abstract]:Metnell was a Russian pianist and composer at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. His greatest contribution to the history of music and genre is the creation of piano lyricism-narrative genre-fairy tale (Fairy Tales), adds new types to Romantic piano genre. This paper is divided into five chapters to analyze Metnell and his piano fairy tales. Metnell's view of creation was greatly influenced by classicism and romanticism, and music had a clear literary meaning. German and Russian traditional cultures, German classical, romantic composers and Russian classical traditional music are clearly reflected in Metrnell's creation. In the first chapter, "the cultural background of Metrnell's music creation", this problem is discussed. The second chapter, "the genre characteristics of Metnell's Piano Fairy Tales", involves four aspects: the origin of the name, the comparison between the fairy tale and other genres, the title meaning and six different image features of the fairy tale. Chapter three, "the stages and main characteristics of the creation of Metnell's Piano Fairy Tales", analyzes 38 piano fairy tales in terms of their content, character and music structure according to the three stages of their creation. The main features of different stages are summarized and classified. Chapter four, "Summary of the characteristics of Metrnell's representative composition techniques", is based on the third chapter. This paper makes a detailed analysis of Metrnell's two most representative and universal composing techniques, the high unity of music material and the application of diverse rhythm. Chapter five, "comparison between fairy tale" and "fairy tale sonata", discusses the penetration of fairy tale genre in other genres of music creation, and takes the creation of fairy tale sonata as an example to carry on comparative analysis. Through the above analysis, research and discussion, this paper selects the piano fairy tale, which is the most representative of Metrnell's creation achievement, as the research object, and combines the music history research with the music ontology analysis and the comparative musicology research method. This paper attempts to reinterpret and position Metnell, a composer whose creative ideas and techniques are contrary to the musical trends of his time (early 20th century) and did not receive sufficient attention, in order to gain a sympathetic resonance in the academic world. And to Metrnell to make the objective historical evaluation again.
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