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发布时间:2018-10-18 18:47
【摘要】:高等师范院校合唱课是音乐教育专业的必修课,并且近年来合唱在我国音乐教育中所占的比重越来越大,这对高等师范院校合唱课的教学提出了更高层次的要求。如何更好的建设、完善合唱教学,合唱教学设计在合唱教学中有着重要意义。本文主要从三方面对高等师范院校合唱课进行教学设计,具体内容如下: 第一章 绪论部分 本章着重阐述了本文的写作背景和写作原因。通过“高等师范院校合唱与合唱指挥课教学社会调查” 得出关于我国高等师范院校音乐教育专业合唱与合唱指挥课的教学现状分析,发现我国现行的合唱课教学体系在一定程度上已跟不上音乐课程发展和改革的步伐,出现不适应当代合唱教学的实际需要和社会需要,基于以上原因,高等师范院校合唱课教学设计对合唱教学至关重要。 第二章 本论部分 本文的主体部分,着重从六方面论述作者对高等师范院校合唱课教学设计的方案。第一节,从合唱课教学目标设计出发,明确方向。第二节,进行合唱课教学策略的设计,主要内容包括教学材料的设计、教学方法的设计和教学环境的设置。第三节,合唱课教学媒体设计,简单介绍合唱课运用媒体的方式以及常用的音乐课件制作工具,从而进行合唱课教学媒体选用表和教学材料与媒体的使用设计。第四节,合唱课教学过程,主要包括高等师范院校合唱课教学大纲设计、教学过程流程设计图和教学过程设计叙述三项内容。第五节,合唱课成绩评价设计,建立注重反映学生综合能力的合唱成绩评介方案。第六节,合唱课教学设计案例展示与分析,结合以上五节内容进行具体实例设计。 第三章 结论部分 本章是作者对高等师范院校合唱课教学设计的总结性表述,以及对高等师范院校合唱课教学存在的部分问题思考和对在校园普及合唱教育的几点建议。 总之,高等师范院校合唱课教学设计是个动态的过程,应随着教育科学的不断发展而不断进步和完善,但具体在教学中的实施受到部分因素的制约,应当具体情况具体对待。
[Abstract]:Chorus course is a compulsory course for music education in normal colleges and universities. In recent years, choral singing has become more and more important in music education in China, which puts forward higher requirements for the teaching of chorus courses in normal colleges and universities. How to better construct and perfect chorus teaching, the design of chorus teaching is of great significance in chorus teaching. This article mainly carries on the teaching design from three aspects to the choral course in the normal universities. The main contents are as follows: the first chapter introduces the background and reasons of this thesis. Through the teaching social investigation of chorus and chorus command course in normal universities, this paper analyzes the teaching situation of chorus and chorus command course of music education major in normal colleges and universities in China. It is found that the current teaching system of chorus course in our country has to some extent failed to keep pace with the development and reform of the music curriculum, and has not been able to meet the actual needs of contemporary chorus teaching and social needs, based on the above reasons. The teaching design of chorus course in normal colleges is very important to chorus teaching. The second chapter is the main part of this paper, focusing on six aspects of the author's teaching design of the chorus course in normal colleges and universities. The first section, from the choir teaching goal design, clear direction. In the second section, the author designs the teaching strategies of chorus class, including the design of teaching materials, the design of teaching methods and the setting of teaching environment. The third section, the teaching media design of chorus class, briefly introduces the use of media in chorus class and the commonly used music courseware making tools, so as to design the choice of teaching media, teaching materials and media use in chorus class. In the fourth section, the teaching process of chorus course mainly includes the syllabus design of chorus course in normal universities, the design drawing of teaching process flow and the description of teaching process design. In the fifth section, the evaluation design of chorus grade is established, which focuses on the comprehensive ability of students. The sixth section shows and analyzes the teaching design of chorus class, combining with the above five sections, carries on the concrete example design. The third part of the conclusion is the author's summary of the teaching design of chorus course in normal universities. Some problems in chorus teaching in normal colleges and some suggestions for popularizing chorus education on campus are also discussed. In short, the teaching design of chorus course in normal colleges is a dynamic process, which should be improved and improved with the development of educational science. However, the implementation of this course is restricted by some factors and should be treated concretely.


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