[Abstract]:The development of modern music has passed through the most prosperous period of the 20th century to obtain the greatest degree of innovation, the use of symmetrical composition techniques to create music has become an important part of modern music. In the aspect of music creation and research since the 20th century, modernism music has gradually developed and appeared the tendency of similar "return", especially in the practice of music creation in recent decades, showing the enhancement of humanistic concept. This reflects the unity of technology and humanity. Modern composers have combined modern composing techniques with modern composition techniques, using a variety of creative techniques, not only to give the works a breakthrough in technology, but also to incorporate new ideas and methods of thinking. It seems to represent the direction of the pursuit of modern music to create a sound concept suitable for the rapid development of the media and information in the whole era. However, creation and research are not synchronized. On the one hand, many explorations only remain on the experimental and documentary achievements of the twentieth century, and there is still a lack of comprehensive and in-depth research on the diversified modern composing techniques; on the other hand, The research results of symmetrical music theory are seldom reflected in the symmetries of musical structures such as pitch organization. Therefore, the thesis "Symmetry Art in Modern Music works" is mainly based on the theory of symmetrical music, combined with pitch structure, tonal layout, The whole structure and the symmetries in the creative practice, and then discusses the application of the relative composers in the symmetrical technology and art.
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5 李s,