[Abstract]:The academic circles have different views on the culture of etiquette and music, the culture of etiquette and music in Chinese traditional culture, but on the connotation of the culture of etiquette and music, there are different views on the connotation of the culture and music civilization, there are the theory of cultural model and the theory of cultural system, no matter what kind of cognition. Can not be divorced from two basic concepts, that is, ritual and music. The important symbol of the culture of etiquette and music is that in the national sense, music and ritual should be solidified for use, with the characteristics of systematization, hierarchy, multi-type and multi-style. The concept and thought of etiquette and music should be interpreted by various forms of etiquette and music. The connotation and significance of the system of rites and music. First of all, there is a ritual appeal according to the ritual system, and the design of the music system type according to the ritual type forms the whole meaning, in order to highlight the multi-functional existence of music. When the ritual concept of music solidified, although in the process of social development will be different according to different periods, but 3000 years of consistent existence is no doubt. In order to probe into the idea of etiquette and music, the concept of etiquette and music, the system of etiquette and music, we should not only grasp the whole propriety and ceremony, but also from the correspondence between ritual ceremony type and music system type, from the form of ritual and music, from the propriety and music form, the propriety and music Noumenon. The system related to rites and music and other aspects of cognition. In the sense of etiquette and music, the relationship between the ceremony and music is not so extensive as the concept of ritual and music, and even replace music with ritual. In the Chinese cultural tradition, every dynasty has the idea of using music according to different ritual types, from the country to the folk, there is a demand for ritual music. The national ritual and music system and culture initiated by Zhou Gong have become the standard of later generations and have developed with the times.
【作者单位】: 中国艺术研究院音乐研究所;
【基金】:国家社科基金艺术学项目“中国乐籍制度与传统音乐文化”(批号12BD034) 中国艺术研究院课题“以乐观礼”阶段性成果之一
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