[Abstract]:Chinese national instrumental music is a very important part of Chinese traditional music culture. Since the 20th century, music education in normal colleges in our country has been developing with Germany, the United States and Russia as its teachers. Gradually distancing from and forgetting the traditional Chinese national music culture, forming the "supporting role" status of Chinese national instrumental music in the music education of normal universities, resulting in the extremely disorderly structure and content of the Chinese national instrumental music curriculum in teachers' colleges. The serious lag in education. In the new century, with the spread of multiculturalism and other modes of thinking, the ancient national musical instruments in China are facing severe challenges and competition, but also ushered in new opportunities for development. Therefore, it is of practical significance to reconstruct the Chinese national instrumental music curriculum which aims to spread and develop music culture through training music teachers in primary and secondary schools. As a kind of social practice for survival and development, the reconstruction of Chinese national instrumental music curriculum in normal universities can only be built on the basis of reasonable reference to the reform experience of international music education. On the basis of accurately grasping the development trend of music curriculum reform in basic education in our country, based on multicultural vision, breaking the pattern of western music center, reconstructing the concept of national music, adopting the viewpoint of overall connection, optimizing the course design, Only by renewing the knowledge base, establishing the teacher-student relationship of equal dialogue and multiple evaluation mechanisms, fully arousing students' subjective consciousness and making teaching interactive, can the goal of cultivating qualified basic music teachers in music education major in normal universities be truly implemented. Promote the inheritance and development of Chinese national instrumental music in teachers colleges, primary and secondary schools and even the whole society.
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