发布时间:2018-01-15 10:44
本文关键词:邯郸市装修工生存状况的调查研究 出处:《吉林大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 装修工 农民工 建筑农民工 生存状况 现况调查
【摘要】: 目的 自上世纪90年代改革开放以来,随着人们物质文化生活水平的提高和城市建设的发展,装饰装修行业在我国迅猛发展。到2003年,全国已有注册的建筑装饰公司35万家。 由于农民工群体大量进入城市,和城市用工制度的改变,装修工由原来的城市技术工人,转变为未经培训的农民工,2010年我国有近2.3亿名农民工,其中建筑业农民工占全国农民工30%以上,而建筑业农民工25%人员从事装饰装修工作,装修行业的就业人数已经超过1700多万,他们利用农闲时候进城打工,农忙时回家种地。这些装修工游走于城市和农村之间,成为城市和农村都可以管也都可以不管的边缘人,他们为城市的发展付出了艰辛的劳动。虽然装修给人们带来舒适、优雅的居住和办公环境,但是也给装修工和居住者的健康带来许多潜在的不良影响。因此,装修工职业病高发,已经成为一个不容忽视的社会问题。 本研究通过了解邯郸市装修工的人群特征和社会经济状况,评价装修工的生存状况及其影响因素,并针对邯郸市装修工生存状况评价结果,提出改善装修工生存状况的政策建议。 方法 本次调查采用方便抽样的方法,用自制的“邯郸市装修工生存状况调查研究”问卷,调查在邯郸市从事装修工作3个月以上的装修工,有效问卷为979份。调查内容主要包括籍贯、居住地、性别、年龄、婚姻状况、文化程度、吸烟、饮酒、从事装修时间、工作性质、收入、消费、居住、工作时间、采取防护措施和参加社会保险情况等。为了提高问卷的质量,调查员先进行培训,并进行了预调查,收回的问卷检查验收,剔除不合格问卷,数据实行双录入制度,用SPSS 13.0统计软件完成数据的处理与分析。 结果 本研究共调查979名装修工,男性占89.1%,女性占10.9%。来自农村的装修工占94.3%,城市装修工只占5.7%,男女差别无统计学意义;平均年龄为28.6岁,初中文化水平占65.0%,从事装修时间 5年的占73.3%,临时工占72.8%,61.3%的装修工通过熟人介绍找工作,装修工每月加班次数以1 ~ 9次常见,男女构成不同,差别有统计学意义(χ2 = 16.139,P = 0.001)。装修工签合同率为23.6%,不签合同的748人中,48.4%为雇主不愿意签合同,23.4%不知道需要签合同,21.3%为自己不愿意签合同;装修工平均每年失业1个月及以上者,男性(96.2%)高于女性(80.4%),χ2 = 45.894,P 0.001。装修工平均月收入(1016元)和月消费(384元)均为女性高于男性,差别有统计学意义。岗前培训率女性(40.2%)高于男性(21.1%),χ2 = 19.493,P 0.001。工作时采取防护措施的男性(79.1%)高于女性(56.1%),χ2 = 28.266,P 0.001。装修工不采取防护措施的原因,62.5%为单位不提供防护条件。经常做健康检查的只占5.6%,装修工参加保险率为76.1%,男女差别无统计学意义。不参加保险的原因主要是对社会保险政策不了解(54.0%)和缴费过多(32.2%),了解保险途径主要是通过报纸(39.3%)、网络(38.9%)和电视电台(35.1%)。工伤发生率高达45.3%,男女差别无统计学意义。装修工49.0%住单位宿舍,男性以住单位宿舍为主(52.1%),女性以回家或亲朋家居住为主(44.9%),男女构成差别有统计学意义(χ2 = 46.170,P 0.001)。来自农村的923名装修工,认为自己已经融入城市生活中的女性(26.5%)高于男性(19.0%),差别有统计学意义(χ2 = 50.942,P 0.001)。 结论 邯郸市装修工多为男性青壮年农民工,以初中学历为主,未经过培训,具有很大的边缘性、流动性和相对不稳定性,个人卫生意识不高,生活方式单调。劳动强度大、施工时间长。参加岗前培训、岗位培训和卫生防护知识培训率均较低。大多数装修工作为非城市人口,不能享有城市居民所拥有的住房、医疗、失业、义务教育和养老等方面的社会福利,处于一种非福利及低福利状态。他们离开了自己熟悉的农村生活环境,又没有融入城市生活,成为城市和乡村之间的夹心阶层,装修工为城市建设作出了巨大贡献,是城市建设不可或缺的生力军,要从根本上改变装修工的生存状况,改变他们的弱势地位,最根本的是改变我国建国以来长期实行的户籍制度,打破城乡二元结构,让农民工与城市人享受一样的福利和公共服务待遇。
[Abstract]:Purpose Since the reform and opening up in the 1990s , with the improvement of the living standard of people ' s material and the development of the city construction , the decoration and decoration industry has developed rapidly in our country . By 2003 , there were 350,000 registered architectural decoration companies in the country . As a result of the large number of migrant workers entering the city and the change of the urban employment system , the former urban workers are converted into untrained migrant workers . In 2010 , there are nearly 230 million migrant workers , and 25 percent of the migrant workers in the construction industry are engaged in decoration and decoration . Based on the study of the characteristics of the population and the social and economic situation in Handan city , this paper evaluates the living conditions and the influencing factors of the construction workers , and puts forward the policy suggestions to improve the survival status of the construction workers in Handan city . method In order to improve the quality of the questionnaire , the investigators conducted the training and carried out pre - survey , recovery questionnaires to check the acceptance , reject the unqualified questionnaires , and carry out double entry system , and the data were processed and analyzed by SPSS 13.0 . Results The total number of workers from rural areas accounted for 94.3 % . The average age was 28.6 years old . The average age was 28.6 years . The average age was 75.3 % . The average age was 72.3 % . The rate of contract signing contract is 23 . 6 % . Of 748 persons who do not sign contract , 48.4 % are not willing to sign contract , 23.4 % do not know that contract is required , 21.3 % is higher than that of female ( 56.1 % ) , 蠂 2 = 19.493 , P 0.001 . The average monthly income ( 1016 yuan ) and monthly consumption ( 384 yuan ) are higher than that of women ( 56.1 % ) , 蠂 2 = 19.493 , P 0.001 . The average monthly income ( CNY 1016 ) and monthly consumption ( 384 yuan ) are higher than that of females ( 52.1 % ) . 923 men from rural areas believed that women who had been integrated into urban life ( 26.5 % ) were higher than those in men ( 19 . 0 % ) , with a statistically significant difference ( 蠂 2 = 50.942 , P 0.001 ) . Conclusion Most of the decoration work is a non - urban population , has a great contribution to urban construction , and is an indispensable force for urban construction . The most fundamental is to change the household registration system which has long been practised in the country since the founding of the country and break the dual structure of urban and rural areas , so that migrant workers enjoy the same welfare and public service treatment as urban residents .
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1 夏端林;宋秀英;;高职装饰专业毕业生就业发展空间探究[J];大学教育;2012年10期