本文关键词: 洪江古商城 湘西 建筑装饰 审美价值 兼收并蓄 出处:《重庆师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:本文旨在通过对洪江古商城建筑装饰的艺术特点的探讨,阐述其艺术魅力背后所蕴含的深层因素,并从审美法则上作出详细解析。 首先,文章通过分析洪江古商城所处的地理位置、历史背景和该地特殊的迁徙背景,论述洪江古商城民居建筑和建筑装饰艺术形成的内在因素。依据对所搜集资料的分析和有关图片的解读,从造型语言、表现手法等美学元素出发,探索其艺术语言特征,集中评述其高超的造型能力、实用性与审美性相结合的创造性思维。进而展开对洪江古商城民居建筑装饰艺术审美价值的探析,并提出了洪江古商城是以“商”为核心的建筑题材装饰,从艺术美与形式美、独特的湘西民族文化、兼收并蓄的艺术观等方面,,分析了洪江古商城建筑装饰艺术所富有的独特审美价值。总结出洪江古商城建筑装饰具有典雅、精致、凝炼的美感特征的同时又具有湘西少数民族简洁、粗犷、质朴的独特的艺术审美价值。 本文对洪江古商城建筑装饰艺术的研究有别于现有资料对其的研究方式,而是从它的艺术语言研究的角度出发,对潜在的审美价值进行分析,论证了洪江古商城装饰建筑题材乃是实用性与审美性、文化内涵的完美统一。
[Abstract]:Based on the discussion of the artistic characteristics of the architectural decoration of Hongjiang ancient commercial city , this paper expounds the deep factors behind its artistic charm , and makes detailed analysis from the aesthetic principles . First , through analyzing the geographical position , historical background and special migration background of Hongjiang ancient commercial city , this paper discusses the inner factors of the formation of folk house architecture and architectural decoration art in Hongjiang ancient commercial city . Based on the analysis of the collected data and the interpretation of the related pictures , the author analyzes the unique aesthetic value of the architectural decoration art of Hongjiang ancient commercial city . In this paper , the research on the architectural decoration art of Hongjiang ancient commercial city is different from that of the existing data , but from the angle of the research of its art language , the author analyzes the potential aesthetic value , and proves that the theme of the decoration architecture of Hongjiang ancient commercial city is the perfect unity of practicability and aesthetic and cultural connotation .
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