发布时间:2018-02-16 19:41
本文关键词: 扎染艺术 软装饰 室内装饰 运用 出处:《南京林业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着科学与经济的飞速发展,世界各国之间的文化交流频繁。民族文化特征日益模糊,,装饰设计对民族文化的彰显、传统特色和地域文化的传承提出了更高更新的要求。在这个环境下,扎染作为一个具有独特民族魅力的文化艺术,要将其文化价值和艺术价值充分地挖掘出来,在保护和继承中大力创新,分析扎染在现代室内装饰中的运用,保护及传承民族文化的多样性,在此基础上推动室内装饰设计的发展。笔者通过参阅大量相关的文献,在整合国内外的相关研究资料和研究成果的基础上,分析、总结有关扎染艺术和室内装饰设计的相关知识。同时,搜集个地方民间传统扎染艺术作品,选择有代表性的扎染艺术作品进行深入分析,结合扎染艺术的社会、文化背景,分析其艺术内涵。再找出运用扎染装饰室内空间的实例进行分析研究,总结扎染艺术对室内空间装饰的影响。 本文试从传统扎染艺术的历史背景、艺术魅力、国内外研究现状,以及在中国民间的发展演变等各方面进行分析研究,明确了它现代室内装饰中所起的作用和意义;并在了解传统扎染的发展和现状后,阐述了对传统扎染艺术进行传承发展的必要性。通过对室内空间中装饰要素的把握,以及对扎染艺术在艺术性、功能性和物理性等方面的综合研究,将扎染广泛的融入到室内装饰中进行新的创作,展现出另一种风貌,绽放出更加迷人的光彩。最后对扎染艺术在室内装饰中作出展望,期望传统扎染艺术元素的重构将成为未来室内装饰发展的一个新方向。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and economy, the cultural exchanges between countries in the world are frequent. The traditional characteristics and the inheritance of regional culture put forward higher requirements for renewal. In this environment, tie-dyed, as a cultural art with unique national charm, should fully excavate its cultural value and artistic value. Innovation in protection and inheritance, analysis of the use of tie-dye in modern interior decoration, protection and inheritance of the diversity of national culture, on this basis to promote the development of interior decoration design. On the basis of integrating relevant research materials and research results at home and abroad, this paper analyzes and summarizes the relevant knowledge about tie-dyeing art and interior decoration design. At the same time, it collects a local folk traditional tie-dyeing art works. Select representative tie-dyed art works for in-depth analysis, combined with the social and cultural background of tie-dye art, analyze its artistic connotation, and then find out an example of using tie-dyed decorative interior space for analysis and research. Summarize the influence of tie-dyed art on interior space decoration. This paper tries to analyze the historical background of traditional tie-dyeing art, artistic charm, domestic and foreign research status, and the development and evolution of Chinese folk, and clarify its role and significance in modern interior decoration. After understanding the development and present situation of traditional tie-dyeing, this paper expounds the necessity of inheriting and developing traditional tie-dyeing art, through grasping the decorative elements in indoor space and the artistry of tie-dyed art. The comprehensive research of function and physics, will be widely integrated into the indoor decoration for new creation, showing another style, blooming a more attractive luster. Finally, the tie-dyeing art in the interior decoration to make a prospect, It is expected that the reconstruction of traditional tie-dyeing art elements will become a new direction for the development of interior decoration in the future.
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