本文关键词: 材料 技法 创新 装饰绘画 出处:《沈阳理工大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着社会科技的不断进步,材料,作为一种独特的艺术表达的媒介,在逐渐改变着艺术家的艺术创作同时也影响着人们对现代艺术的审美及看法,艺术家们在对材料观念性认识的选择上开始发生了改变,由最初的材料是艺术创作的一种媒介到材料艺术创作中的重要艺术语言。 本文通过研究不同材料在装饰绘画中表达不同的艺术语言和不同的视觉效果来说明材料创新在装饰绘画中的重要作用。在整个绘画领域里,材料绘画已经由最初的单纯性材料绘画发展到至今的多种材料甚至是复合材料绘画,这都要归功与我们人类文明的进步,社会的发展,工业的不断发达致使新材料、新工艺不断涌现,这些都被艺术家敏锐的眼睛迅速的捕捉,艺术家们利用形形色色的材料结合自己独特的审美通过多种技法的实施来进行创作,表达情感。在创作过程中会出现很多意想不到的艺术效果,这就更开拓了创作思路,使作品富表现力、艺术感染力。 通过研究材料在装饰绘画中的创新运用来充分体现材料在艺术创作中的独特美。这种美既有继承性,同时又具有创新性,它既根植于我们中国传统文化中,同时又具有时代的精神。新陈代谢是事物发展的客观规律,同样也是艺术发展的规律。没有创新,就没有发展,艺术就失去了存在的价值。 在本文中通过结合国内外艺术家在装饰绘画中对材料的运用的现状,将理论与实践紧密结合,通过国内外艺术家在装饰绘画作品中对材料的运用及技法上的创新突破,及材料运用给艺术作品赋予一种崭新的视觉效果和强烈的艺术感染力,材料技法的进步推动了艺术创作的发展,使整个艺术领域都在不断探索材料语言的重要性。 通过论述在创作中用材料的特殊的语言来表现创作的灵魂主题、加强观者对材料的认识和理解,准确合理地选择材料、恰如其分地运用材料,让材料为艺术创作服务。使艺术作品更具有表现力、更富生动,让艺术的形式与观念达到真正的平衡,并为创作者提供了一定的参考价值。
[Abstract]:With the continuous progress of social science and technology, materials, as a unique medium of artistic expression, are gradually changing the artistic creation of artists, but also affecting people's aesthetic and views on modern art. Artists began to change their choice of material conception, from the original material is a medium of artistic creation to the important artistic language of material art creation. This paper illustrates the important role of material innovation in decorative painting by studying the different artistic language and different visual effects of different materials in decorative painting. Material painting has been developed from the original pure material painting to many materials and even composite materials painting. This is due to the progress of our human civilization, the development of society, and the continuous development of industry, resulting in new materials. New techniques are constantly emerging, which are quickly captured by the artist's keen eyes. Artists use a variety of materials to combine their own unique aesthetics to create through the implementation of a variety of techniques. Expression of emotion. In the process of creation, there will be many unexpected artistic effects, which will open up the creative ideas, make the works expressive, artistic appeal. By studying the innovative application of materials in decorative painting, the unique beauty of materials in artistic creation is fully embodied. This beauty is not only inherited but also innovative. It is rooted in our traditional Chinese culture. Metabolism is the objective law of the development of things, as well as the law of the development of art. Without innovation, there will be no development, and art will lose the value of existence. In this paper, through the combination of domestic and foreign artists in decorative painting in the use of materials, the close combination of theory and practice, through domestic and foreign artists in decorative paintings in the use of materials and technical innovation breakthrough, The application of materials gives a new visual effect and strong artistic appeal to the works of art. The progress of material techniques promotes the development of art creation and makes the whole art field constantly explore the importance of material language. By expounding the special language of materials to express the theme of the soul of creation, strengthening the understanding and understanding of the material, choosing the material accurately and reasonably, and using the material appropriately, Let the material serve for the artistic creation, make the art work more expressive, more vivid, let the art form and the idea reach the true balance, and provide certain reference value for the creator.
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