本文选题:室内空气 切入点:装饰材料 出处:《山西医科大学》2006年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 目的:本次研究从流行病学调查、人体生理学、免疫学指标测试、室内有害物质浓度监测等方面,测定装修后不同时间投入使用的客房空气中甲醛和挥发性有机化合物(volatile organic compounds, VOCs)的含量以及对人体免疫机能影响,并提出科学可行的解决途径和方法。 方法:甲醛及VOCs调查采用分层整群随机抽样法抽取调查对象,按照宾馆客房装修程度分类标准,在太原市随机选择装修后即营业的宾馆(A类)3家共计60间客房作为A组;装修后6个月投入使用的宾馆(B类)2家计客房34间作为B组;未装修宾馆(C类)1家计客房10间作为C组,并采取对照为室外对照(D类),以苯、甲苯作为VOCs现况调查的指示污染物,按照《公共场所卫生监测技术规范》(GB/T 17220-1998)要求布设采样点,测定宾馆客房空气中甲醛和苯、甲苯的含量。对人体健康影响调查选择在不同时间装修及未装修宾馆里从事直接客房服务的工作人员作为调查对象,随机选择在A类、B类及C类宾馆中工作的符合要求的服务员共238人作为调查对象,填写主观感觉调查表,进行呼吸系统体检,调查该暴露人群主观症状和体征,采集调查对象血样,离心后采用单项免疫扩散法测定血清中IgG、IgM、IgA的含量。 结果:新装修(A类)及装修半年后(B类)的宾馆客房空气中甲醛、苯与甲苯含量明显高于未装修组(C类)与对照组(D类)。甲醛调查结果提示,房间经装修后,装修材料的甲醛释放量呈现先快后慢、先多后少的非线性趋势,未装修组(C类)亦有个别样品超标,提示陈旧家具及传统的普通装修材料中同样含有可释放甲醛的物质。客房空气中甲醛和VOCs浓度增高与客房室内装修有密切关系。与甲醛不同的是,无论是空气中苯浓度还是甲苯浓度,装修半年后即均呈现较低的水平,提示装修材料或家具释放VOCs呈现低浓度和持久的趋势。新装修场所内暴露人群血清中IgG、IgM、IgA的含量及主观感觉、呼吸系统体检症状发生率与未装修宾馆服务人员相比,差异显著。 结论:室内空气中甲醛、苯及甲苯浓度最高的是装修后即投入使用的宾馆客房,其次是装修后六个月后投入使用的宾馆客房,最低的是未经装修的宾馆客房。暴露人群血清中免疫学指标与甲醛及VOCs污染程度有明显的关系。IgG、IgM值与甲醛及VOCs浓度呈正相关,IgA呈负相关,甲醛及VOCs污染较严重的装修后即投入使用的客房里暴露人群的眼刺激感、咽部不适、头晕、鼻干、咳嗽、皮肤瘙痒等主观症状发生率明显高于其它场所。
[Abstract]:Objective: in this study, epidemiological investigation, human physiology, immunological index test, indoor concentration monitoring of harmful substances, etc. The contents of formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in room air at different time after decoration and their effects on human immune function were determined, and the scientific and feasible ways and methods were put forward. Methods: formaldehyde and VOCs were collected by stratified cluster random sampling method. According to the classification standard of hotel room decoration degree, 60 hotel rooms were randomly selected as group A in Taiyuan. Six months after the renovation, 34 guest rooms of Group B and 10 rooms of Group C were used as Group B, and 10 rooms in Group C were used as Group C, and the control group was taken as Outdoor Control Group D, which was treated with benzene. Toluene was used as an indicator pollutant in VOCs survey. According to the Technical Specification for hygienic Monitoring in Public places (GB / T 17220-1998), sampling points were set up to determine formaldehyde and benzene in the air of guest rooms. Investigation on the effect of toluene on Human Health the staff who were engaged in direct room service in the hotel at different times were selected as the objects of investigation. A total of 238 waiters working in category A, class B and category C hotels were randomly selected to fill in the subjective feeling questionnaire, to carry out the respiratory examination, and to investigate the subjective symptoms and signs of the exposed population. The blood samples were collected and the serum IgGMMA was determined by single immunodiffusion method after centrifugation. Results: the contents of formaldehyde, benzene and toluene in the guest room air of the newly decorated hotel room were significantly higher than those of the undecorated group (group C) and the control group (group C). The results of formaldehyde investigation suggested that the room was decorated after decoration, and the results showed that the content of formaldehyde in the air of the hotel room was significantly higher than that of the control group. The formaldehyde emission of decoration materials showed a nonlinear trend of first fast and then slow, first more then less, and some samples exceeded the standard. It is suggested that the old furniture and the traditional ordinary decoration materials also contain the substances which can release formaldehyde. The increase of formaldehyde and VOCs in the air of the guest room is closely related to the indoor decoration of the guest room. Whether the concentration of benzene in the air or the concentration of toluene, after six months of decoration, they all showed a lower level. The results indicated that VOCs released from decoration materials or furniture showed a trend of low concentration and lasting. The content and subjective feeling of serum IgG MMA in the exposed population in newly decorated place were significantly different from those in the service staff of undecorated hotel. Conclusion: the highest concentrations of formaldehyde, benzene and toluene in indoor air were the hotel rooms that were put into use immediately after decoration, followed by the guesthouses that were put into use six months after decoration. The lowest was the undecorated guest room. The serum immunological indexes of exposed population were significantly correlated with the degree of formaldehyde and VOCs pollution. The IgGG IgM was positively correlated with the concentration of formaldehyde and VOCs, and there was a negative correlation between the serum immunological index and the level of formaldehyde and VOCs. The incidence of eye irritation, pharynx discomfort, dizziness, dry nose, cough, skin itching and other subjective symptoms in the rooms exposed to formaldehyde and VOCs pollution was significantly higher than that in other places.
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