本文选题:甘肃传统民居 切入点:装饰艺术 出处:《西北师范大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 民居建筑装饰是人类文明成果的重要体现,是某一时代、某一地区政治与经济状况、人类造物理念的直观反映,也是传统文化得以传承的重要载体。 甘肃是中华文明的发祥地之一,大地湾遗址出土的生产工具和生活用具说明距今4900—8120年前的这里已经有原始的建筑。地处西北,典型的大陆性气候和东西狭长的地理位置,自古以来就成为中原文化与北方少数民族文化的频繁交流区……特殊的地理环境和人文环境造就了这里辉煌灿烂的文化艺术,以敦煌石窟、酒泉夜光杯和麦积山石窟等为代表的一批文化遗产无不是甘肃特殊的自然与人文环境下的产物。在历史上作为丝绸之路重镇的甘肃,除了世人瞩目的石窟艺术以外,具有地方特色的民居装饰艺术也是甘肃文化遗产中不可忽视的重要元素。 由于历史上由于自然灾害和战争的原因,很多地区的传统民居建筑未能保存下来,文章着重以甘肃省内现存的且分布较集中的几个地区的传统民居为研究对象,先从自然环境、历史、宗教等角度分析了造成目前这种时空分布格局的原因,在分析民居分布状况及其原因的基础上,综合现有文献资料,主要运用图像学、文献资料研究的方法对三个地区传统民居装饰的产生、分布、风格等诸方面进行了具体研究。结合个案研究的成果,通过对比来探讨各地的民居装饰的特色和甘肃传统民居装饰的总体特征以及当代价值。 对传统民居装饰的研究应以当今人类的生存和发展为立足点,保护是基础,挖掘其价值是手段,使之为人类服务是最终目的。因此,应在保护的基础上,充分挖掘其对人类生存和发展有益的方面,而不是停留在目前只重保护的阶段。 无论是天水传统民居的南北交融,还是临夏民居的伊斯兰风格,还是青城民居的淳朴,作为人类造物理念的体现,它们都有着某种内在的一致性。同时传统民居装饰研究的意义是多方面多层次的,不仅仅在于设计艺术学科的构建与发展,而且在传承和弘扬传统文化,推动旅游业发展和引导人们的价值观念等方面,对甘肃这样一个经济欠发达地区来说具有更为重要而现实的意义。从某种意义上可以说,传统民居装饰不仅仅是一种审美资源,在一定条件下也可以转化为强大的经济资源和文化教育资源,为人类社会服务,这也是本论文研究的最终目的所在。
[Abstract]:Residential building decoration is an important embodiment of the achievements of human civilization, a certain era, a region of political and economic conditions, the intuitive reflection of the concept of human creation, but also an important carrier of traditional culture. Gansu is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. The tools of production and living utensils unearthed from the Dadi Bay site show that there were already primitive buildings here 4900-8120 years ago. It is located in the northwest, with a typical continental climate and a narrow geographical location of the east and west. Since ancient times, it has become a frequent exchange area between the Central Plains culture and the northern minority cultures. The special geographical and cultural environment has created the splendid culture and art here, in order to Dunhuang grottoes, Jiuquan Nightlight Cup and Maijishan Grottoes are all the products of Gansu's special natural and human environment. Gansu, as the important town of the Silk Road in history, except for the grotto art that attracts the attention of the world. The decorative art of folk houses with local characteristics is also an important element in Gansu's cultural heritage. Because of natural disasters and wars in history, the traditional residential buildings in many areas have not been preserved. This paper focuses on the traditional houses in several existing and concentrated areas in Gansu Province. First of all, from the perspective of natural environment, history, religion and so on, this paper analyzes the causes of the present temporal and spatial distribution pattern. On the basis of analyzing the distribution situation and the reasons of the residential buildings, the author synthesizes the existing literature and materials, and mainly uses image science. The method of literature research has carried on the concrete research on the production, distribution, style and so on of the traditional residence decoration in three regions. This paper discusses the characteristics of residential decoration and the general characteristics and contemporary value of traditional residence decoration in Gansu province. The research on the decoration of traditional houses should be based on the existence and development of human beings, protection is the foundation, excavating its value is the means, and making it serve for mankind is the ultimate goal. Therefore, it should be based on the protection. Fully excavate its beneficial aspects for human survival and development, rather than staying at the stage of protection. Whether it is the combination of the north and the south of Tianshui's traditional residence, the Islamic style of the dwelling in Linxia, or the simplicity of the Qingcheng residence, it is the embodiment of the idea of human creation. They all have some internal consistency. At the same time, the significance of traditional residential decoration research is multi-level, not only in the construction and development of the subject of design art, but also in the inheritance and promotion of traditional culture. To promote the development of tourism and guide people's values has more important and realistic significance for an economically underdeveloped region such as Gansu. In a sense, it can be said that traditional residential decoration is not just an aesthetic resource. Under certain conditions, it can also be transformed into powerful economic resources and cultural and educational resources to serve human society, which is the ultimate purpose of this thesis.
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