本文选题:品牌定位 切入点:品牌个性 出处:《东华大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:品牌定位是品牌研究中的重要理论。近几十年众多学者通过品牌概念研究、个性维度研究、应用研究等不断丰富和扩展了品牌个性定位理论研究。随着消费者个性化消费趋势日趋明显,品牌个性在企业的竞争中作用越来越突出,研究品牌个性的理论和现实意义也日趋显著。 本文采用文献研究、模型应用、个案分析等方法,尝试构建汽车内装饰市场的品牌个性定位模型。 本文首先从品牌定位的概念出发,对国内外近年来关于品牌定位的最新研究成果进行回顾和整理,指出研究中国品牌定位技术的发展情况。在理论总结之后,以Aaker的品牌个性定位技术为基础,选取国内汽车内装饰市场的企业品牌定位进行实证研究。走访了广州、郑州、临沂、杭州和上海五个城市,搜集了来自汽车内装饰市场360位消费者的有效数据,通过统计分析来对模型进行修正,使模型更符合这一特定情景的市场。 通过上述分析得到以下结论:第一,提出了汽车内装饰市场的品牌个性定位模型,分为9个维度:“质朴”“诚信”“爱家”“欢乐”“时尚”“可靠”“实力”“高尚”“坚强”。第二,提炼出汽车内装饰市场品牌个性特征,应向用户传递“安全、可靠、货真价实”的核心价值理念。而针对不同的细分市场,可通过选取不同辅助特性,有侧重性的宣传品牌形象。第三,修正后的模型与Aaker的品牌个性模型既有联系又有差异。联系之处在于,修正后的九个维度是在Aaker的品牌个性模型五维度的基础上发展而来,沿用了原来的“高尚”维度命名。而“时尚”“坚强”“高尚”大致一一对应了原来量表中的“刺激”“粗狂”和“高尚”维度。差异在于,修正后的模型将“真诚”和“能力”维度进行了拆分,同时结合原模型对修正后的模型进行了命名。维度之间通过重新的组合得出更符合汽车内装饰市场品牌定位的维度分布。
[Abstract]:Brand positioning is an important theory in brand research. Application research has enriched and expanded the theory of brand personality positioning. With the trend of consumers' personalized consumption becoming more and more obvious, brand personality plays a more and more important role in the competition of enterprises. The theoretical and practical significance of studying brand personality is becoming more and more significant. This paper tries to construct the brand personality positioning model of automobile interior decoration market by means of literature research, model application, case analysis and so on. In this paper, we review and sort out the latest research results of brand positioning in recent years from the concept of brand positioning, and point out the development of brand positioning technology in China. Based on the brand personality positioning technology of Aaker, this paper chooses the domestic automobile interior decoration market enterprise brand positioning to carry on the empirical research. Visited Guangzhou, Zhengzhou, Linyi, Hangzhou and Shanghai five cities, This paper collects the valid data from 360 consumers in automobile interior decoration market and corrects the model through statistical analysis to make the model more suitable for the market of this particular situation. Through the above analysis, the following conclusions are obtained: first, the brand personality positioning model of automobile interior decoration market is put forward, which is divided into 9 dimensions: "simplicity", "honesty", "love home", "joy", "fashion", "reliability", "strength", "nobility", "strength", "strength". To refine the brand personality characteristics of automobile interior decoration market, the core value concept of "safety, reliability, and true price" should be transmitted to the users. For different segments of the market, different auxiliary characteristics can be selected. Third, the modified model and the brand personality model of Aaker are both related and different. The connection is that the nine dimensions are developed on the basis of the five dimensions of Aaker's brand personality model. The original "noble" dimension was used, while "fashion" "strong" and "noble" roughly corresponded to the "stimulus", "rough" and "noble" dimensions in the original scale. The difference was that, The modified model divides the dimension of "sincerity" and "ability", and names the modified model by combining with the original model. The dimension distribution of the modified model is found to be more in line with the brand positioning in the automobile interior decoration market.
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