本文选题:抽象形态艺术 切入点:室内装饰设计 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the deepening of reform and opening up, the overall strength of our country's economy has obviously increased, and people's pursuit of quality of life has become more and more prominent. The integration of internationalization, the improvement of people's living standard, the constant progress of material understanding, Thus, more and more people began to have certain requirements for the comfort of their own indoor space. As the mainstream decorative art, figurative art has always occupied the vision of the broad masses of the public, and with the constant replacement of ideology, Abstract art has now become the first choice for people's interior decoration. Abstract form art has its own unique style and embodiment for interior decoration, and it is welcomed by the general public. The owner has an indescribable nature that cannot be compared to art, harmony in random, unity in disorder. Abstract art has its own history of development, and abstract art has its own aesthetic point of view. Both of them have become the basis of the study of abstract art, and the people's pursuit of abstract art interior decoration is the urgent place to study this article. Striving for the perfect embodiment of the essence of the art of abstract form, This paper aims at the application and value analysis of abstract art in interior decoration design. Firstly, it analyzes the development of abstract art and the needs of society, thus generalizing the research background of this subject. Point out its practical significance, through the domestic and foreign research status quo of examples and a summary, and through a series of related methods to explain its research content. The first part is the analysis of the value of abstract form art, including the concept of abstract form art, the aesthetic analysis in abstract form art, and the artistic value of abstract form art in interior decoration. Then summarizes the role of abstract form art in interior decoration, the main role includes the difference in visual feeling and emotional experience; the fourth chapter mainly explains the composition and application of abstract form elements in interior decoration design. The use of points, lines, surfaces and bodies in interior decoration design is the basis, the use of hue, material and texture in interior decoration design is complementary, and the unity of abstract form elements and rhythm is the guarantee to complete the design. As a result, the aesthetic sense of abstract form art in interior decoration design mainly embodies three aspects: simple beauty, virtual beauty and artistic conception beauty. Finally, it analyzes the enlightenment of abstract aesthetics to modern interior decoration design. It includes three parts: the influence of the decoration of abstract form art on the modern interior decoration design, the enlightenment and the development trend.
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