本文选题:装饰艺术 切入点:湘南传统民居 出处:《湖南师范大学》2008年硕士论文
【摘要】: 湘南传统民居指的是散落分布于湖南南部包括郴州市、永州市及衡阳市的南部诸县在内的建于明清商贸经济相对繁盛时期的民居建筑。湘南传统民居中的装饰艺术是湘南传统民居的重要组成部分,也是湘南传统民居研究的一个重要内容。本文将从湘南传统民居装饰的文化特征和艺术特征两个方面进行研究和阐述来探索湘南传统民居装饰的艺术价值现实价值。 引言部分主要指出对湘南传统民居装饰艺术研究的意义所在和现有的研究状况。正文第一章对湘南传统民居装饰艺术作了一个概括性的描述,并对其分类加以介绍,以方便下文进行个案描述和分析。第二章和第三章是正文的主体部分。第二章从湘南传统民居装饰艺术的文化特征方面进行探讨,通过对民居装饰的内容、形式和功能等方面的分析,阐述族系背景、儒家思想、风水理论、宗教色彩以及传统人文精神在湘南传统民居装饰艺术中的影响和体现。第三章从湘南传统民居装饰的艺术特征方面进行探讨,湘南传统民居装饰艺术不仅呈现出直白、稚拙、夸张、强烈、简洁;同时也表现出意会、成熟、写实、温婉、繁复,美感的两极表现为相互对立却又统一,成为湘南传统民居装饰的独特风貌。第四章作为本文的结论部分着重论述湘南传统民居装饰的艺术价值和现实价值。湘南传统民居装饰艺术在装饰理念上体现的是一种先质后文的实用美学观和器以载道的精神内涵;在装饰内容上体现的是对生命的崇拜和热爱。湘南传统民居装饰艺术研究的现实价值在于湘南传统民居中装饰对于住居的意义之于建设现代社会和谐人居的启发作用。
[Abstract]:The traditional houses in southern Hunan refer to the houses scattered in the south of Hunan, including Chenzhou, Yongzhou and the southern counties of Hengyang City, which were built in the relatively prosperous period of commerce and commerce in the Ming and Qing dynasties.Decorative art is an important component of traditional houses in southern Hunan, and also an important part of the study of traditional houses in southern Hunan.This paper will explore the realistic value of the decoration of traditional houses in southern Hunan from the aspects of cultural and artistic characteristics.The preface mainly points out the significance of the study on the decorative art of traditional houses in southern Hunan and the existing research situation.The first chapter gives a general description of the decorative art of traditional houses in southern Hunan Province, and introduces its classification, so as to facilitate the case description and analysis of the following.The second and third chapters are the main part of the text.The second chapter discusses the cultural characteristics of the decoration art of traditional residential houses in southern Hunan Province, through the analysis of the contents, forms and functions of the decoration, expounds the background of the clan system, Confucianism, geomantic theory, etc.The influence and embodiment of religious color and traditional humanistic spirit in the decorative art of traditional houses in southern Hunan.The third chapter discusses the artistic characteristics of the decoration of the traditional houses in southern Hunan. The decorative art of the traditional houses in southern Hunan not only presents straightforward, childish, exaggerated, strong and concise, but also shows the feeling, maturity, realism, gentleness and complexity.The two poles of aesthetic sense are opposite but unified, and become the unique style of decoration of traditional residential houses in southern Hunan.As the conclusion of this paper, the fourth chapter focuses on the artistic value and practical value of traditional residential decoration in southern Hunan.The decorative art of traditional residential buildings in southern Hunan embodies the spiritual connotation of a practical aesthetic view of the pre-material and the later text, and the worship and love of life in the decorative content.The realistic value of the study on the decorative art of traditional folk houses in southern Hunan lies in its enlightening effect on the construction of harmonious human settlements in modern society.
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