发布时间:2018-04-01 18:39
本文选题:虹彩釉 切入点:陶瓷砖 出处:《中国陶瓷》2017年03期
【摘要】:研究了氧化气氛烧成条件下建筑陶瓷釉面砖装饰用金属虹彩釉的配方及制备工艺。结果表明,当釉料配方组成为方解石16.81%、铅熔块42.02%、高岭土1.68%、氧化锌5.88%、氧化铜3.36%、偏钒酸铵6.72%、磷酸铁10.92%、氧化锰9.24%、钛白扮2.52%、氧化钴0.84%,外加0.26%三聚磷酸钠和0.13%羧甲基纤维素作为添加剂,在喷釉厚度0.6 mm和烧成温度1180℃的条件下釉面虹彩效果最佳。X-射线衍射分析表明,釉中的主晶相为黑锰矿Mn_3O_4,同时存在CuMn_2O_4、ZnFe_2O_4等尖晶石型晶相。
[Abstract]:The formulation and preparation process of metallic rainbow glaze for decoration of ceramic glazed tiles in oxidized atmosphere were studied.The results showed that when the glaze formula was composed of calcite 16.81, lead nugget 42.02, kaolin 1.68, zinc oxide 5.8810, copper oxide 3.36x, ammonium metavanadate 6.72, iron phosphate 10.92, manganese oxide 9.24, titanium white 2.52, cobalt oxide 0.844, added 0.26% sodium tripolyphosphate and 0.13% carboxymethyl cellulose as additives,Under the conditions of thickness 0.6 mm and firing temperature 1180 鈩,