本文选题:本主庙 切入点:装饰艺术 出处:《云南大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】:大理白族本主庙大多以明清建筑布局装饰为典型范本。它是一种发展完善,高度成熟的民间建筑形式。白族艺匠施艺于门楼、照壁、墙垣、戏台、金库、银库、供案、香炉、宫殿外的台基、门窗、回廊、大屋顶以及宫殿内的天花、墙壁、神台等部位,除髹漆、粉饰外,几乎动用一切材质,采用雕塑、绘画、书法题壁等表现手法对每一构件和部位进行精雕细刻和不遗余力的修饰,其中以木雕和彩绘为最典型代表。白族艺匠采用象形、会意、谐音、借喻、比拟等手法,创造出丰富的装饰题材及纹样,并通过多样与整一、对比与调和、对称与均衡、节奏与韵律等形式美法则的运用,凭借抽象的艺术语言来寄托对于幸福、美好、富庶和吉祥的向往与追求。使得装饰风格呈现出世俗化与演进性特征,装饰技术具有传统性与现代性特征。 大理白族本主庙的装饰艺术集白族民间艺术之大成,全面反映了白族人民的审美情趣和文化观念,它是白族审美文化精神的民间范本,它的产生与蓬勃发展有丰厚的土壤。多元复合型白族文化奠定了白族本主庙装饰艺术的基础:发达的地方经济发达促进了本主庙装饰艺术的全面发展;艺匠高超的技艺使本主庙装饰艺术的内容和形式高度成熟。白族乡民的宗教观、伦理观、审美观、价值观和自然观等观念精神孕育了本主庙装饰艺术丰富的文化内涵,主要表现在敬神礼人以人为本;求吉祈福,乐天安命;崇德慕贤,至善至美;文化整合,雅俗共赏;夸饰神权,寓理于情等五个方面。
[Abstract]:The main temple of the Bai nationality in Dali takes the architectural layout and decoration of Ming and Qing dynasties as a typical model.It is a well-developed and highly mature form of folk architecture.Bai artisans work in gateways, walls, walls, theatres, vaults, silverhouses, testimonies, incense furnaces, bases outside palaces, doors and windows, corridors, large roofs, and ceilings, walls, shrines and other parts of the palace, except for lacquer and whitewash.Using almost all materials, the use of sculpture, painting, calligraphy and other techniques of expression of each component and part of the meticulous and spare no effort to decorate, in which wood carving and painting as the most typical representative.Bai artisans use pictographs, understanding, homophony, metaphor, analogy and other techniques to create rich decorative themes and patterns, and apply the rules of formal beauty such as diversity and unity, contrast and harmony, symmetry and balance, rhythm and rhythm, etc.Relying on abstract artistic language to ascribe to happiness, beauty, prosperity and auspicious yearning and pursuit.The decorative style presents the characteristics of secularization and evolution, and the decorative technology has the characteristics of tradition and modernity.The decorative art of the main temple of the Bai nationality in Dali is the great success of the folk art of the Bai nationality, which comprehensively reflects the aesthetic taste and cultural concept of the Bai people. It is the folk model of the aesthetic cultural spirit of the Bai nationality and has rich soil for its emergence and vigorous development.The diversified and complex Bai culture laid the foundation of the decorative art of the main temple of the Bai nationality: the developed local economy promoted the overall development of the decorative art of the main temple, and the superb skill of the artisan made the content and form of the decorative art of the main temple highly mature.The religious, ethical, aesthetic, value and natural concepts of the Bai people have given birth to the rich cultural connotations of the decorative art of the temple, which are mainly manifested in the worship of God, the worship of the people, the blessing of the blessing, the peace of heaven, and the admiration of the virtuous and virtuous.The most beautiful; cultural integration, elegant and common appreciation; bragging divine power, living in the feelings of five aspects.
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3 本报记者 辛向东;苍山洱海的祝福[N];大理日报(汉);2008年
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