本文选题:装饰绘画 + 造型构成 ; 参考:《西安美术学院》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:装饰绘画通常被误解为只是工艺或绘画的附属,被认为是一门边缘艺术,常容易与一些概念混淆,其内容、定义还没有十分明确的界定。在当今全球多元化的文化大背景下,装饰领域范围不断扩大,艺术样式也呈现出多元化趋势。装饰绘画开始脱胎于装饰又与绘画结合形成一门独特的艺术形式,并且显示出特有的艺术魅力和价值。 论文表述了装饰绘画造型构成元素的各种不同要素,以装饰绘画本身所呈现的特点梳理并确定了装饰绘画造型构成的许多概念,探究了装饰绘画造型构成中的诸多要素,并且纠正了一些对于装饰绘画造型构成所存在的误区。 论文中心为探究装饰绘画的造型构成元素:论文提出1,探析装饰绘画与“迪赛诺”的基本概念,梳理了装饰绘画的概念,同时用“迪赛诺”的这个涵盖了素描和平面构成两方面含义的概念,将装饰绘画和“迪赛诺”相联系,说明两者理论上的影响。2,探析装饰绘画中的构成形态,,它包括具象形态,抽象形态,意象形态这三个大类,剖析这三种形态的特点和作用,说明了装饰绘画的风格。3,探析装饰绘画中的造型语言,它包括点线面语言,黑白灰语言,归纳和提炼的语言,从这三个方面讨论装饰绘画造型因素,4,探析装饰绘画中的构成形式规律中,强调构图的规律和整体关系的规律,对平视体构图,立视体构图,综合体构图和夸张与变形,对称与均衡,虚实与对比,节奏与韵律,调理与反复,空间与分割,动态与静态,肌理与技法进行分析。全文对于装饰绘画造型构成做了较全面的探析。 从某种意义上看装饰绘画中的造型构成元素独立出来就是一个艺术种类,就像素描,平面构成,黑白装饰画一样。它拥有自己独特的魅力。总之,它是学习装饰绘画的第一节课;是一门独立的艺术语言;是一门具有深刻内涵,值得深入探究的艺术表达形式。
[Abstract]:Decorative painting is often misunderstood as a mere art of craft or painting. It is considered to be a marginal art and is often easily confused with some concepts whose contents and definitions have not been clearly defined.Under the background of global cultural diversity, the scope of decoration field is expanding, and the art style is also showing a trend of diversification.Decorative painting began to be born out of decoration and combined with painting to form a unique art form, and showed its unique artistic charm and value.The paper describes the various elements of decorative painting modeling elements, combs and determines many concepts of decorative painting modeling composition, explores many elements of decorative painting modeling composition, according to the characteristics of decorative painting itself.And has corrected some to decorate the painting modelling constitution to exist the erroneous zone.In order to explore the modeling elements of decorative painting, the thesis puts forward 1, analyzes the basic concepts of decorative painting and "Diseno", and combs the concept of decorative painting.At the same time, by using the concept of "Diseno", which covers the meanings of sketch and plane composition, the paper connects decorative painting with "Diseno", explains the influence of the two in theory, and analyzes the form of composition in decorative painting, which includes concrete form.Abstract form and image form are three major categories, the characteristics and functions of these three forms are analyzed, the style of decorative painting is explained, and the modeling language in decorative painting is analyzed. It includes point line language, black and white grey language, induction and refining language.From these three aspects, the factors of decorative painting modeling are discussed. In the analysis of the law of composition form in decorative painting, the law of composition and the law of overall relationship are emphasized, and the composition of horizontal body, vertical body, complex composition and exaggeration and deformation are discussed.Symmetry and balance, virtual reality and contrast, rhythm and rhythm, conditioning and repetition, space and segmentation, dynamic and static, texture and technique are analyzed.The full text for decorative painting modeling composition to do a more comprehensive analysis.In a sense, the modeling elements in decorative painting are an independent art category, such as sketch, plane composition, black and white decorative painting.It has its own unique charm.In a word, it is the first lesson to study decorative painting; it is an independent artistic language; it is a form of artistic expression with profound connotation and worth exploring deeply.
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