本文选题:大理白族家具 + 装饰 ; 参考:《昆明理工大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 云南大理白族家具以地域性材料为基础,以雕刻、彩绘和大理石镶嵌等为主要的装饰手法,逐步发展,形成了独特的家具装饰艺术。经过历代工匠和艺人的钻研与传承,历经漫长的岁月,迄今已形成风格鲜明,体系齐备的局面。 本研究主要应用归纳法,首先对家具装饰及风格进行了整体理论分析,然后引用和分析了大量的作者实地调研所得图片和文字资料,对大理白族家具的装饰艺术及形成风格进行了系统而深入的探讨。其对于弘扬民族传统工艺文化,振兴民族家具产业和发展现代设计都具有十分积极的意义。同时对于深入理解大理白族的文化、历史和艺术等也都具有十分重要的意义。 家具是特殊的文化产品。在研究的过程中,作者通过对大量文献资料的查阅和分析,提出滇国青铜文化、楚漆文化和中原汉文化是影响大理白族家具装饰艺术及形成风格的主要文化基础,它们对大理白族家具的发展,产生最重要的影响。大理白族家具的装饰艺术及风格的形成正是对上述几种文化的传承与发展。雕刻和彩绘结合的装饰手法是大理白族家具风格得以体现的重要手段,也是白族文化特色得以体现的一个重要方面。通过以杨耀先生提出的按使用功能对家具的分类为依据,辅以大量的实物图片,首次系统地对大理白族家具的装饰部位、装饰纹样和装饰色彩进行了细致的归纳与分析,,指出大理白族家具是一类物质功能与精神功能并重的家具类型,同时对大理白族家具风格特征和装饰特点进行了归纳和总结。 研究指出,大理白族家具的装饰与功能和结构等,处于同等重要的地位,这是大理白族文化体现的重要方面,也是在新时期发展具有白族文化特色的现代白族家具的立足点。作者提出传统的大理白族家具就是在不断地吸收和融合外来民族文化的过程中形成的,这种发展模式贯将穿于大理白族家具发展的整个阶段。所以现代白族家具的开发过程应该是以更为开放的视角来广泛的吸收民族文化,并通过开发具有现代设计风格的装饰纹样,把传统手工艺与现代制造工艺相结合,以各种新型现代材料为基础来开发的过程。
[Abstract]:The Bai nationality furniture of Dali in Yunnan is based on regional materials, and its main decorative techniques are engraving, painting and marble mosaic, which gradually develops and forms a unique decorative art of furniture. Through the research and inheritance of artisans and entertainers of all dynasties, after a long period of time, it has formed a situation of bright style and complete system. The main application of this study is induction, first of all, the furniture decoration and style of the overall theoretical analysis, and then cited and analyzed a large number of author field research pictures and text materials, The decorative art and forming style of Dali Bai furniture are discussed systematically and deeply. It has a very positive significance for carrying forward the traditional national craft culture, revitalizing the national furniture industry and developing modern design. At the same time, it is of great significance to understand the culture, history and art of the Bai nationality in Dali. Furniture is a special cultural product. In the course of the study, the author, by consulting and analyzing a large number of documents, points out that the bronze culture, the Chu lacquer culture and the Han culture of the Central Plains are the main cultural bases that influence the decorative art and the formation of the style of the Bai nationality furniture in Dali. They have the most important influence on the development of Dali Bai furniture. The decorative art and style of Dali Bai furniture are the inheritance and development of these cultures. The adornment technique of the combination of carving and painting is not only an important means to embody the style of Dali Bai furniture, but also an important aspect of the cultural characteristics of Bai nationality. Based on the classification of furniture according to the use function proposed by Mr. Yang Yao and a large number of physical pictures, the decorative parts, decorative patterns and decorative colors of the Bai nationality furniture in Dali are summarized and analyzed in detail for the first time. It is pointed out that Dali Bai furniture is a kind of furniture with equal emphasis on material and spiritual functions. Meanwhile, the style and decoration characteristics of Dali Bai furniture are summarized and summarized. The study points out that the decoration, function and structure of Dali Bai furniture are in the same important position, which is an important aspect of Dali Bai culture, and is also the foothold of the development of modern Bai furniture with Bai culture characteristics in the new period. The author puts forward that the traditional Dali Bai furniture is formed in the process of absorbing and merging the foreign national culture, and this development pattern will be worn in the whole stage of the development of Dali Bai nationality furniture. Therefore, the development process of modern Bai furniture should be to absorb national culture extensively from a more open perspective, and combine traditional handicraft with modern manufacturing technology by developing decorative patterns with modern design style. The process of being developed on the basis of new and modern materials.
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