本文选题:民族民间 + 传统木器 ; 参考:《新疆师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:伴随着西部大发展战略的有效实施,作为中华民族传统艺术文化资源之一的新疆民族民间传统手工木器装饰艺术,越来越多的受到全社会的广泛关注。新疆少数民族传统手工木器装饰艺术所表现出的内在精神价值与艺术造诣,也无时无刻的向世人们展现着其别具一格的民族魅力与地域精神。 然而,我们正处于一个复杂的历史时期,全球范围的经济一体化来势凶猛,城市化、数字化、文化标准化的趋势日益增强,在这样的形势下,传统文化正在面临着被逐渐“遗忘”“抛弃”的危机,其生存环境变得愈发堪忧。我们随处可见,少数民族传统手工木器成为了各种标榜着“新疆风情”的旅游业衍生品,大量流水线作业的装饰木器琳琅满目。少数民族传统手工木器不仅仅是艺术品,而更应该是民族文化的无限载体,而如今将其简单的当作商品推向市场,其关键的审美内涵在制作方式、方法和进程的改变过程中被抽离了,大众的习惯性审美也正随着人们的生活方式不断改变逐渐吞噬这些弥足珍贵的民间传统文化遗产。 新疆正处于社会的重大转型期,在以现代文化为引领的大战略阶段,从“传统”到“现代”的转型不应该是对传统文化脉络的肆意割裂,而应该是“温故而知新”的过程,记载于新疆传统手工木器装饰艺术的非物质文化遗产更应该是人类口传心授、口耳相传、世代传承的无形活态流变。 面对这些问题,我们的当务之急应该是思考并找寻有利的解决途径,展示新疆民族民间传统手工木器非物质文化遗产的艺术特征;并对新疆民族民间传统手工木器的装饰艺术价值的具体定位做出明确判断;从继承到运用,从运用再到创新,在继承传统的基础上走多元化发展的道路,不断探索少数民族别具一格的独特审美,打造具有典型新疆本土特色的地域性标志产品,这些也是本文研究的目的和意义所在。
[Abstract]:With the effective implementation of the western development strategy, as one of the traditional artistic and cultural resources of the Chinese nation, Xinjiang ethnic folk traditional woodwork decoration art has been paid more and more attention by the whole society. The intrinsic spiritual value and artistic attainments of the traditional artisanal woodwork decoration art of Xinjiang ethnic minorities show their unique national charm and regional spirit to the world all the time. However, we are in a complex historical period, the trend of global economic integration is fierce, urbanization, digitization, cultural standardization is increasing, in such a situation, Traditional culture is facing the crisis of being forgotten and abandoned gradually, and its living environment becomes more and more worrisome. We can see that the traditional handicraft woodwork of ethnic minorities has become a variety of tourism derivatives touted as "Xinjiang customs", and a large number of decorative woodwork in assembly line operations are dazzling. The traditional handicraft woodwork of ethnic minorities is not only a work of art, but also an infinite carrier of national culture. Now, the key aesthetic connotation of the traditional woodwork of ethnic minorities is the way of making it as a commodity to the market. Methods and processes of the process of change was taken away, and the people's habitual aesthetic is gradually devouring these precious folk traditional cultural heritage with the change of people's way of life. Xinjiang is in a major social transition period. In the grand strategic stage led by modern culture, the transition from "tradition" to "modern" should not be a wanton separation of the context of traditional culture, but a process of "knowing the past and knowing the new". The intangible cultural heritage recorded in Xinjiang's traditional hand-made woodwork decoration art should be the invisible living state of human oral instruction, word of mouth, and transmission from generation to generation. In the face of these problems, our urgent task should be to think about and find a favorable way to solve the problem, and to show the artistic characteristics of the intangible cultural heritage of traditional handicraft woodwork in Xinjiang; And make a clear judgment on the specific orientation of the decorative art value of the traditional handicraft woodwork in Xinjiang; from inheritance to application, from application to innovation, on the basis of inheriting the tradition, take the road of diversified development. It is also the purpose and significance of this paper to explore the unique aesthetic characteristics of ethnic minorities and to create regional logo products with typical local characteristics of Xinjiang.
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