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发布时间:2018-05-16 06:56

  本文选题:窑洞 + 门窗 ; 参考:《西安美术学院》2009年硕士论文

【摘要】: 门窗装饰纹样是一种陕北民间传统的美术形式,本人有机会进入陕北窑洞门窗装饰纹样地研究领域,可以说是一种机缘巧合。通过实地的田野考察,真实的体验到陕北门窗装饰艺术的人文文化内涵和艺术表现魅力,因此希望借助此论文的研究过程,将本人对这种民间美术形式的所思所想展现出来。 论文由七个章节组成,其中包括陕北地区的地域环境概况、陕北窑洞门窗装饰纹样的形成、图案的题材选取、纹样因循的形式法则、装饰纹样的观念研究等内容,同时以自己的创意理念对陕北窑洞门窗装饰纹样在现代语境中的应用进行了大胆的设计探索。文章在选题、研究、写作的过程中,始终以调研考察而来的第一手详实资料为依具,展现了陕北地区民间传统审美观念和民俗文化信仰。 此外,借助本次毕业设计,通过对当前窑洞门窗装饰艺术的发展和应用的现状分析,说明了这种装饰纹样在现代设计中突破传统的发展思路,并利用电脑三维技术重新演绎出独特的视觉形式,以此探索传统纹样的再生路径,希望能够对现代设计中传统艺术形式的创作思维有所启发。
[Abstract]:The decorative pattern of doors and windows is a kind of folk traditional art form in Northern Shaanxi Province. I have the opportunity to enter the field of research on decorative patterns of doors and windows in caves in Northern Shaanxi Province, which can be said to be a chance coincidence. Through the field investigation, the real experience of the Northern Shaanxi doors and windows decoration art humanistic cultural connotation and artistic expression charm, so I hope to use the research process of this paper, I want to show this folk art form. The paper is composed of seven chapters, including the general situation of the regional environment in northern Shaanxi, the formation of decorative patterns of doors and windows in caves in northern Shaanxi, the selection of themes of patterns, the rules of form followed by patterns, the concept of decorative patterns, and so on. At the same time, the application of decorative patterns of cave doors and windows in modern context is explored with his own creative idea. In the course of choosing the topic, studying and writing, the article is always based on the first-hand and detailed materials from the investigation and investigation, which shows the folk traditional aesthetic concept and folk cultural belief in Northern Shaanxi. In addition, with the help of this graduation design, through the analysis of the current situation of the development and application of the decorative art of cave doors and windows, it is shown that this decorative pattern breaks through the traditional development ideas in modern design. In order to explore the regeneration path of traditional patterns, it is hoped that it can enlighten the creative thinking of traditional art forms in modern design.


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