本文选题:西部民营建筑装饰企业 + 企业竞争力 ; 参考:《西北工业大学》2004年硕士论文
【摘要】: 以民营企业为重要力量的建筑装饰行业已成为国民经济发展的新的、重要的经济增长点。各种数据表明,西部民营建筑装饰企业的发展对推动西部经济起到重要的作用。随着西部大开发的深入,外部企业将越来越多的涌入西部市场,西部民营建筑装饰企业能否在异常激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,关键在于企业的竞争力。 本文从制约西部民营企业进一步发展的因素入手,以企业竞争力来源模型为框架,结合建筑装饰行业特点,细致分析影响西部民营建筑装饰企业竞争力的内、外部因素。外部因素主要针对制度环境、市场结构和政府政策等因素,其具体表现为保护民营企业的制度机制不完善、建筑装饰市场管理比较混乱、融资体系不健全导致西部民营建筑装饰企业融资渠道不畅等方面;内部因素主要针对企业制度安排、管理模式、企业文化、技术创新和企业竞争战略等因素,具体表现在西部民营建筑装饰企业在治理模式和战略管理等方面极不完善、不重视企业文化建设、技术创新能力弱等等,以上因素综合导致西部民营建筑装饰企业竞争力普遍低下。在此分析基础上,,本文以陕西某某民营建筑装饰公司为案例,对其进行企业竞争力的实证分析和评价,并提出若干提升其企业竞争力的途径。最后归纳出提高西部民营建筑装饰企业的竞争力的主体模型,提出通过完善企业外部法律环境和市场环境、健全融资体系以拓宽企业融资渠道,企业内部建立多元化产权结构、实行制度化管理、加强技术创新、加强企业文化建设等途径来提升西部民营建筑装饰企业的竞争力,以促进其进一步发展。
[Abstract]:Building decoration industry with private enterprises as an important force has become a new and important economic growth point of national economy development. All kinds of data show that the development of western private building decoration enterprises plays an important role in promoting the western economy. With the development of the western region, more and more external enterprises will pour into the western market. Whether the private architectural decoration enterprises in the western region can stand out in the fierce competition, the key lies in the competitiveness of the enterprises. Starting with the factors restricting the further development of private enterprises in western China, this paper analyzes the internal and external factors that affect the competitiveness of private construction decoration enterprises in western China, taking the source model of enterprise competitiveness as the framework and combining the characteristics of architectural decoration industry. External factors are mainly aimed at the institutional environment, market structure and government policies, which are manifested in the imperfect institutional mechanism to protect private enterprises, and the confusion in the management of the architectural decoration market. The imperfect financing system leads to poor financing channels for private architectural decoration enterprises in the western region, and internal factors are mainly aimed at such factors as enterprise system arrangement, management model, corporate culture, technological innovation and enterprise competitive strategy, etc. This is manifested in the imperfections in the governance model and strategic management of the private architectural decoration enterprises in the west, the lack of attention to the construction of enterprise culture, the weak ability of technological innovation, and so on. The above factors lead to the western private construction decoration enterprises competitiveness is generally low. On the basis of this analysis, this paper takes a private building decoration company in Shaanxi as an example to analyze and evaluate the competitiveness of enterprises, and puts forward some ways to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Finally, this paper summarizes the main model to improve the competitiveness of the western private architectural decoration enterprises, and puts forward that by perfecting the external legal environment and the market environment of the enterprises, improving the financing system to broaden the financing channels of enterprises, the establishment of a diversified property rights structure within the enterprise. In order to promote the further development of private architectural decoration enterprises in western China, institutional management, technological innovation and enterprise culture construction are carried out to enhance the competitiveness of private architectural decoration enterprises in the western region.
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