本文选题:上海 + 石库门民居 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:时至今日,随着大量上海石库门民居在市政改造中被拆除,这些上海石库门民居的装饰纹样也随之一起消失了。可是事实上这些极具特色的装饰纹样亟需得到重视和保护,因为这些装饰纹样拥有特殊的历史和文化意义以及很高的艺术价值,通过对它们的艺术研究,我们可以寻找出石库门装饰纹样在过去和现在上海城市发展中所扮演的角色和地位,最终探究出它们对于未来的意义和价值。 上海石库门民居的产生有其特殊的历史地理背景,因此它的装饰纹样也有一个发展的流变过程。难能可贵的是,各种不同来源、不同艺术风格装饰纹样在上海石库门民居上得到了很好的融会贯通。尽可能地还原和探究这些已经或者即将被湮没的装饰纹样的细节,对于艺术研究者来说责无旁贷。 从哲学意义上来说,上海石库门民居的装饰纹样是人们对于“万物一体”这一世界关系的领会和守护,同时也是这个城市深刻的历史丰富性展现。从建筑学角度来说,上海石库门民居的装饰纹样是一种建筑的艺术,无法运用建筑的定量分析手段,而需要艺术研究者运用艺术的眼光来加以情感的构建和开发。 在当今这个时代,上海石库门民居和它的装饰纹样的价值并未得到人们的普遍重视。对比国外的案例,我们可以从中受到启发,唤起公众对于上海石库门民居装饰纹样的认同感,找到合适的艺术探究之路。 目前在很多领域都涉及到上海石库门民居装饰纹样的运用,这些运用在提升美感的同时,也丰富了历史文化底蕴,唤起观众的共鸣。但是这些大部分只是简单的还原和再现,对于艺术研究者来说,可以结合当前最新的高科技技术,利用交互式多媒体等手段,综合调动人们的各种感官,从而探究出一条对于上海石库门装饰纹样艺术化的运用之路,打造出属于上海的城市名片。
[Abstract]:Today, with the demolition of a large number of Shanghai Shikumen residences, the decorative patterns of these Shanghai Shikumen residences have disappeared. But in fact, these very distinctive decorative patterns are in urgent need of attention and protection, because these decorative patterns have special historical and cultural significance and high artistic value. We can find out the role and status of Shikumen decorative patterns in the past and present urban development of Shanghai, and finally explore their significance and value for the future. Therefore, its decorative patterns also have a developing rheological process. It is commendable that all kinds of different sources, different artistic style decorative patterns in Shanghai Shikumen residence has been well integrated. It is incumbent upon art researchers to restore and explore as much detail as possible of the decorative patterns that have been or are about to be annihilated. The decorative patterns of Shanghai Shikumen residence are the people's understanding and protection of the world relationship of "all things as one", and the profound historical richness of the city at the same time. From the architectural point of view, the decorative pattern of Shanghai Shikumen residence is an architectural art, and it is impossible to use the quantitative analysis means of architecture. In this age, the value of Shanghai Shikumen residence and its decorative patterns have not been paid much attention to. Compared with foreign cases, we can be inspired to arouse the public's identity with the decorative patterns of the Shanghai Shikumen residence. At present, the application of decorative patterns of Shanghai Shikumen residence is involved in many fields. These applications not only enhance the aesthetic sense, but also enrich the historical and cultural heritage, evoke the resonance of the audience. But most of these are just simple restores and reproductions. For art researchers, they can combine the latest high-tech technologies, use interactive multimedia and other means to comprehensively mobilize people's various senses. In order to explore the use of Shanghai Shikumen decorative patterns artistry road, to create a city business card belonging to Shanghai.
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