本文选题:艺术设计 + 装饰 ; 参考:《装饰》1998年05期
【摘要】:正 《装饰》杂志是我院的学报,同时我又觉得全国许多工艺美术和艺术设计界的同行,都把她当成自己的刊物,我想这既是《装饰》的荣誉,也是《装饰》的责任。 转眼《装饰》创刊40周年了,这是一个值得隆重纪念的时刻,因为作为我国第一本也是目前唯一的艺术设计综合性学术刊物,她所走过的历程不仅仅是属于杂志本身的,而更多是属于整个中国现代艺术设计发展史的。1958年创刊时,她的编委里就荟萃了全国最著名的工艺美术家,在三年自然灾害的背景下,杂志同新中国的出版事业一起经历了纸张奇缺带来的沉浮;1980年《装饰》随着三中全会后改革开放的大好形势而重新复刊。正是中国人民的生活方式变化最为剧烈的时候,现代化的进程使艺术设计的观念深入人心,《装饰》杂志适时地顺应了这场设计领域的重大变革,推出文章和作品,成为这一时期著名的专业学术期刊。
[Abstract]:The magazine is a journal of our college. At the same time, I feel that many of our counterparts in arts and crafts and art design regard her as their own publication. I think this is not only the honor of decoration, but also the responsibility of decoration. In a twinkling of an eye, the 40th anniversary of the founding of "Decoration" is a momentous occasion to be commemorated, because as the first and only comprehensive academic publication on art and design in China, she has gone through more than just the magazine itself. Most of them belong to the history of the development of modern art and design in China. When the magazine was launched in 1958, her editorial committee brought together the most famous craftsmen in the country. Under the background of three years of natural disasters, Together with the publishing cause of New China, the magazine experienced the ups and downs brought about by the great shortage of paper. In 1980, "decorative" was republished with the excellent situation of reform and opening up after the third Plenary session of the CPC Central Committee. It was at a time when the lifestyle of the Chinese people was changing most dramatically that the process of modernization had made the concept of art and design deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The magazine duly complied with this major change in the field of design and published articles and works. To become a famous academic journal in this period.
【作者单位】: 中央工艺美术学院
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1 庄吟;《装饰》引领艺术设计未来[N];中国新闻出版报;2003年
2 高小立;《装饰》走过50年[N];文艺报;2008年
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4 俞梁;浅谈期刊的艺术设计语言[N];美术报;2004年
5 阿望;网站这样策划[N];中华读书报;2000年
6 封聪 唐天;从“书香人生”到“文化固原”[N];固原日报;2009年
7 中国建筑装饰协会名誉会长 张恩树;可喜的举措[N];中华建筑报;2001年
8 邓中和;版式设计——是技术设计更是艺术设计[N];中国新闻出版报;2002年
9 ;高校艺术学科教材建设的新成果[N];中国文化报;2003年
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