本文选题:室内装修污染 + 产品责任 ; 参考:《中南大学》2011年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Interior decoration means that, after the completion of the main structure of the building, in order to protect the main structure of the building and improve its use function, according to certain technical standards and specifications, the interior surface, doors and windows should be protected from the point of view of construction and technology. Final decoration process such as partition. Indoor decoration pollution is a new pollution phenomenon in recent years because of housing decoration, indoor decoration pollution infringement, refers to indoor decoration activities, resulting in indoor environmental pollution, and to other people's property, The legal fact that the rights and interests of persons cause damage or damage to danger. As a form of tort, indoor decoration pollution infringement needs further exploration and improvement in theory and system. First of all, from the theoretical analysis, there are different understanding of the nature of indoor decoration pollution infringement, but there is not yet a unified understanding, judicial practice of indoor decoration pollution tort nature of different treatment. Through the comparative study, it is found that in judicial practice, there are different understandings of the definition of the scope of the environment itself, and different scopes affect the identification of the tort nature of indoor decoration pollution. If the environment itself includes the indoor environment, the environmental tort theory can be applied. If the indoor environment is not included, the product tort theory is applicable. In this paper, it is defined as product tort liability from the perspective of victim's right relief. Secondly, analysis from the legal system, although there are many laws and regulations related to indoor decoration pollution, but the lack of clear and unified indoor decoration pollution identification standards, lack of detailed provisions on indoor decoration pollution related legal issues, Therefore, it is necessary for the legislature to perfect the laws and regulations on indoor decoration pollution in order to better protect the legal rights and interests of the victims.
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