发布时间:2018-07-13 09:23
【摘要】:随着社会环保意识的增强,人们开始重视室内环境质量,特别是室内空气污染问题。影响室内空气污染的因素很多,其中一个重要的污染源就是木质人造板及饰面装饰材料,因此,对饰面人造板VOC释放进行研究和控制是缓解室内空气污染的重要措施。 本论文以杨木刨花板为基材,研究不同饰面材料及方法对刨花板有机挥发物和游离甲醛释放的影响,探索了薄木贴面刨花板在不同热压工艺条件下VOC释放成分、释放规律及影响因素,评价了薄木贴面刨花板在陈放过程中VOC的释放,同时,预测了薄木贴面刨花板VOC的释放。并从薄木贴面刨花板的表面涂饰生产工艺入手,研究不同涂饰工艺条件下刨花板的TVOC释放变化规律,优化了涂饰生产工艺,提高了其环保性能。利用实验取得的结果统计分析,综合比较了涂料饰面刨花板整体性能。最后对水性清漆、醇酸清漆和硝基清漆饰面的刨花板进行了VOC衰减检测,为室内装修用饰面刨花板生产和使用提供了科学建议。所得研究结论如下: 1.不同饰面材料能够对刨花板基材VOC的释放起到有效的阻隔作用。其中聚丙烯贴面材料阻隔效果最好,刨花板TVOC和游离甲醛释放浓度最低,其次是三聚氰胺浸渍纸和薄木贴面材料,水性涂料饰面刨花板TVOC释放浓度在生产过程中最大。 2.以水曲柳薄木为材料饰面的刨花板,饰面前,测定出21种释放成分,主要成分为邻苯二甲酸(2-乙基己基)酯;饰面后测定出15种释放成分,邻苯二甲酸(2-乙基己基)酯相对含量比饰面前的低31.32%。 3.为了使水曲柳薄木贴面刨花板VOC释放量最低,实验对涂胶量、脲醛胶与PVAc的配比量、热压时间、热压温度进行了L9(34)正交实验。确定出最佳工艺条件为:涂胶量100 g/m2,脲醛胶与PVAc的配比量为60:40,热压时间3min,热压温度100℃。 4.为了考察不同参数的变化对薄木贴面刨花板TVOC释放的影响,本文对脲醛胶与PVAc的配比量、热压温度、涂胶量和薄木树种开展单因素实验。结果表明:热压温度升高、涂胶量增大,薄木贴面刨花板的TVOC释放量增加,初始释放浓度上升。脲醛胶与PVAc的配比量为70:30时,TVOC浓度最低。 5.对不同热压工艺条件下贴面刨花板释放的VOC成分进行分析,结果表明:热压温度和热压时间的改变会使刨花板VOC成分种类发生改变。主要表现为:涂胶量增大,使得烷烃类化合物挥发量增大,芳香族化合物增多,而萜烯类物质和邻苯二甲酸(2-乙基己基)酯减少;热压温度升高,烷烃类物质和萜烯类物质的释放相对含量减少,而芳香族化合物释放相对含量增大;松木薄木贴面板释放的VOC成分最多,发现了α-蒎烯和其他烷烃类物质。松木贴面板释放的芳香族化合物成分相对含量最大,水曲柳贴面板释放的芳香族化合物成分相对含量最小 6.对水曲柳薄木贴面刨花板VOC释放单体衰减检测,结果表明:薄木贴面刨花板单体释放数量随着时间延长而逐渐减小;其中,烷烃类单体,随着时间的延长释放相对含量也减小。萜烯类物质初期释放相对含量较低,随着时间的延长,萜烯类物质释放相对含量增大。芳香族类物质释放相对含量变化不大。 7.通过对涂料种类、涂饰量、涂布方式、陈放时间、含水率和砂光度等因素显著性分析,结果表明:影响涂饰刨花板TVOC释放显著性的因素依次是陈放时间、涂饰量和涂料种类。通过陈放时间、涂料种类、涂饰量对涂饰刨花板TVOC释放影响的单因素实验,结果表明,涂饰量增加会使TVOC的释放量增大,其释放量的变化规律是:TVOC30gTVOC25gTVOC20gTVOC15gTVOC10g;不同涂料种类涂饰的刨花板,其TVOC的释放量不同,其释放量的变化规律是:TVOC水性漆aTVOC水性漆b>TVOC硝基漆b>TVOC硝基漆a>TVOC醇酸清漆;陈放时间越长,涂饰刨花板单位时间内释放的TVOC量越少。 8.通过对水性清漆、醇酸清漆和硝基清漆涂饰刨花板的VOC进行衰减测试,结果显示,水性清漆涂饰的刨花板使用中环保性能优于醇酸清漆和硝基清漆涂饰的刨花板。
[Abstract]:With the enhancement of the awareness of environmental protection , people begin to attach importance to indoor environment quality , especially indoor air pollution . One of the most important sources is wood - based wood - based panels and decorative materials . Therefore , research and control of VOC emissions from facing man - based panels is an important measure to mitigate indoor air pollution .
In this paper , the effects of different finishing materials and methods on the release of VOC from particle board are studied by using poplar shaving board as base material , and the release of VOC in the process of wood veneer shaving board is discussed .
1 . Different finishing materials can effectively block the VOC release of particle board base material . Among them , the blocking effect of PP facing material is the best , the release concentration of TVOC and free formaldehyde of particle board is the lowest , followed by melamine impregnated paper and thin wood veneer material , and the TVOC releasing concentration of water - based paint facing shaving board is the biggest in the production process .
2 . Twenty - one kinds of release components were determined in the presence of shaving board and decorated with the thin wood as material , and the main components were phthalic acid ( 2 - ethylhexyl ) phthalate ;
Fifteen release components were determined after finishing , and the relative content of 2 - ethylhexyl phthalate ( 2 - ethylhexyl ) ester was 31.32 % lower than that before the decoration .
3 . In order to minimize the amount of VOC released from the surface shaving board , the optimum conditions were as follows : 100 g / m 2 of adhesive , 60 鈭,
[Abstract]:With the enhancement of the awareness of environmental protection , people begin to attach importance to indoor environment quality , especially indoor air pollution . One of the most important sources is wood - based wood - based panels and decorative materials . Therefore , research and control of VOC emissions from facing man - based panels is an important measure to mitigate indoor air pollution .
In this paper , the effects of different finishing materials and methods on the release of VOC from particle board are studied by using poplar shaving board as base material , and the release of VOC in the process of wood veneer shaving board is discussed .
1 . Different finishing materials can effectively block the VOC release of particle board base material . Among them , the blocking effect of PP facing material is the best , the release concentration of TVOC and free formaldehyde of particle board is the lowest , followed by melamine impregnated paper and thin wood veneer material , and the TVOC releasing concentration of water - based paint facing shaving board is the biggest in the production process .
2 . Twenty - one kinds of release components were determined in the presence of shaving board and decorated with the thin wood as material , and the main components were phthalic acid ( 2 - ethylhexyl ) phthalate ;
Fifteen release components were determined after finishing , and the relative content of 2 - ethylhexyl phthalate ( 2 - ethylhexyl ) ester was 31.32 % lower than that before the decoration .
3 . In order to minimize the amount of VOC released from the surface shaving board , the optimum conditions were as follows : 100 g / m 2 of adhesive , 60 鈭,