[Abstract]:The art of decoration is the earliest art form in human history and the most common art form in human society. From the whole history of human art development, decorative art has the important value and significance of "mother art" for other plastic arts. When the earliest decorative art grasped the world with the most primitive and pure visual symbols, it actually gave birth to the most basic aspects of the nature of art, such as the symbolic nature of the modeling symbols. Through the abstract form of the grasp of regularity, as well as those embodying the beauty of the form of basic laws and so on. As far as interior is concerned, whether in the essence of image or in the structure of form, the decorative art has laid the most basic law for other plastic arts later. From an external point of view, many of the outstanding decorative works of art that were born in the early days of mankind have left behind for posterity in their art styles.
【作者单位】: 安徽师范大学美术系
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