发布时间:2018-07-23 20:06
【摘要】: 伴随我国国民经济的快速发展,以房地产开发、建筑及建筑装饰、装修材料构成的产业集群蓬勃发展,同时随着生活水平、文化素质的不断提高,人们对居住条件的要求也在不断提高。特别是住房体制的改革,更使百姓购房、居室装饰装修成为消费热点,舒适、美观、高雅,具有浓郁文化内涵的居室装饰和装修,已成为人们的更高追求。但是,随着行业发展的越来越规范,消费者对装饰材料的了解也越来越多,使得消费越来越理性,越来越成熟,同时品牌、商家之间的竞争也日益激烈,市场已由原来的卖方市场转变为买方市场,很多商家由于缺乏有效的市场营销战略而进入了经营困境。 本文中的飞扬公司是东陶卫生洁具在大连的经销商,本文通过对飞扬公司的经营现状的描述,指出飞扬正处于销售持续下滑的困境,并依据MBA所学的管理知识,深入分析、研究飞扬问题的成因,探讨市场营销策略对公司发展的重要作用,并期望本文能对本行业其他企业的发展提供一些借鉴和参考。 在案例正文中,首先叙述了飞扬公司的起步及发展情况;然后介绍了大连市房地产市场和对卫生洁具的需求的状况;接下来对消费者购买行为和竞争对手进行了分析;最后详细描述了飞扬在市场营销过程中存在的问题。在案例分析中,首先介绍了卫生洁具产品的相关知识,然后从产品的构成、价格、促销、服务四方面来分析导致飞扬销售下滑的因素。最后在对案例综合分析的基础上,对飞扬公司的整体营销策略给出合理的建议。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our national economy, the industrial cluster, which is composed of real estate development, architecture, architectural decoration and decoration materials, has developed vigorously, and with the improvement of living standards and cultural quality, People's demand for living conditions is also increasing. Especially the reform of the housing system has made the people buy houses and decorate their houses. It has become a higher pursuit for people to have comfortable beautiful elegant and rich cultural connotations of house decoration and decoration. However, as the industry develops more and more standardized, consumers know more and more about decorative materials, which makes consumption more rational and mature. At the same time, the competition between brands and merchants is becoming increasingly fierce. The market has changed from the original seller's market to the buyer's market, and many businesses have entered the business dilemma because of the lack of effective marketing strategy. Feiyang Company in this paper is the distributor of Dongtao Sanitary Ware in Dalian. Through the description of Feiyang Company's business situation, it is pointed out that Feiyang is in the dilemma of continuous decline of sales, and according to the management knowledge learned by MBA, it is analyzed deeply. This paper studies the causes of Feiyang problem, probes into the important role of marketing strategy in the development of the company, and expects that this paper can provide some references for the development of other enterprises in the industry. In the text of the case, it first describes the starting and development of Feiyang Company, then introduces the real estate market and the demand for sanitary ware in Dalian, and then analyzes the purchasing behavior of consumers and competitors. At last, it describes the problems in the marketing process of Feiyang in detail. In the case study, the related knowledge of sanitary ware products is first introduced, and then the factors leading to the decline of Feiyang sales are analyzed from four aspects: product composition, price, promotion and service. Finally, on the basis of the comprehensive analysis of the case, the author gives reasonable suggestions on the overall marketing strategy of Feiyang Company.
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our national economy, the industrial cluster, which is composed of real estate development, architecture, architectural decoration and decoration materials, has developed vigorously, and with the improvement of living standards and cultural quality, People's demand for living conditions is also increasing. Especially the reform of the housing system has made the people buy houses and decorate their houses. It has become a higher pursuit for people to have comfortable beautiful elegant and rich cultural connotations of house decoration and decoration. However, as the industry develops more and more standardized, consumers know more and more about decorative materials, which makes consumption more rational and mature. At the same time, the competition between brands and merchants is becoming increasingly fierce. The market has changed from the original seller's market to the buyer's market, and many businesses have entered the business dilemma because of the lack of effective marketing strategy. Feiyang Company in this paper is the distributor of Dongtao Sanitary Ware in Dalian. Through the description of Feiyang Company's business situation, it is pointed out that Feiyang is in the dilemma of continuous decline of sales, and according to the management knowledge learned by MBA, it is analyzed deeply. This paper studies the causes of Feiyang problem, probes into the important role of marketing strategy in the development of the company, and expects that this paper can provide some references for the development of other enterprises in the industry. In the text of the case, it first describes the starting and development of Feiyang Company, then introduces the real estate market and the demand for sanitary ware in Dalian, and then analyzes the purchasing behavior of consumers and competitors. At last, it describes the problems in the marketing process of Feiyang in detail. In the case study, the related knowledge of sanitary ware products is first introduced, and then the factors leading to the decline of Feiyang sales are analyzed from four aspects: product composition, price, promotion and service. Finally, on the basis of the comprehensive analysis of the case, the author gives reasonable suggestions on the overall marketing strategy of Feiyang Company.
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