[Abstract]:The architectural decoration of the Liao and Jin Dynasties is an extremely important part of Chinese architectural culture. It is a valuable cultural landscape of Chinese architectural decoration civilization. It not only inherits the essence of the architectural decoration of the Tang Dynasty and the five generations, but also has strong architectural adornment, wind and characteristics. From the Liao and Jin architectural decoration, we can see the fusion of the water milk of the Central Plains ethnic group and the northern minority in the north of China. It is the Khitan, the intellectual crystallization after the collision between the national culture of the women and the Central Plains national culture, which not only reflects its own cultural characteristics, but also reflects the cultural form of the Han nationality in the Central Plains. Its humanistic style has a strong influence on the society at that time and thereafter, and has far-reaching influence on the style of architectural decoration and the formation of the genre. As a relatively complete building group in the Liao and Jin architecture, it is one of the greatest representative works of the Liao and Jin architecture. The author uses a certain amount of Liao and Jin history, national and architectural decoration literature, and writes this article through the field investigation of the architectural decoration of the monastery. This article first introduces the historical evolution, basic characteristics and practical significance of the monastery, and then focuses on the representative work of the Liao Jin architecture. This is the focus of this article, which is mainly introduced in aspects of architectural layout and architectural individual, sculpture, painting, wood structure, ornamentation, stone and so on. The style and characteristics of the architectural decoration of the monastery. Its coverage is more comprehensive in the same kind of paper. This chapter detailedly and comprehensively expounds the distribution pattern and history of the individual buildings in the monastery, national and aesthetic origin, and explains the extensive and profound influence of Buddhist culture on all ethnic groups at that time, with a professional and strong architectural suit. The decoration knowledge explains the uniqueness of the main individual architecture and decoration in the group building of the monastery. Finally, it summarizes the theoretical viewpoint of this article and makes the research work clear. The views and research results presented in this paper are new in the same kind of research papers, which makes the historical history and its remains logically established. This is the value of its uniqueness. It is hoped that this article will play a positive role in the study of Shan Hua Temple and the study of architectural decoration in Liao and Jin Dynasties.
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