[Abstract]:Suzhou embroidery is a traditional folk embroidery art with a long history in China. Since modern times, the Suzhou embroidery longevity is used more and more, and its decorative patterns are varied and have different artistic styles in different historical periods. Although the decoration of Suzhou embroidery longevity is slightly different in different periods, it generally inherits the main body of Suzhou embroidery. Characteristics, in the form of composition, modeling techniques and other aspects of the distinctive modeling features. This article from the modern Suzhou embroidery of the life of the word decoration, combined with the specific Suzhou embroidery life style decorative patterns, the different artistic styles of different historical periods of its detailed exposition, on this basis, further analysis of its modeling features. This period deepens the understanding of the aesthetic value and artistic value of modern Sufu embroidery patterns.
【作者单位】: 贵阳学院美术学院;
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