[Abstract]:Virtual management theory is based on core competence theory and supply chain management theory. In today's increasingly competitive global environment, more and more enterprises realize that it is impossible to surpass their competitors in many fields by their own efforts. The future competition is the competition between supply chain and supply chain. Only if enterprises concentrate their own resources on their core business and adopt virtual management to integrate the high quality resources in supply chain can they obtain competitive advantages. The domestic decoration industry has been developing rapidly since 2000. Because of its large market capacity and low entry threshold, the competition in this industry has become white-hot in a short period of three years. In fact, most of the home improvement companies use virtual management in their business activities, but they do not realize the advantages of virtual business. No company has systematically used virtual management theory to guide their actual operation. This paper takes the well-known brand company in the home decoration industry, Beijing Dongyi Risheng Decoration Group, as the object, takes the lead in tracking and studying the home decoration industry, and makes a systematic summary of the cooperation between the home decoration company and the supplier by using the virtual management theory. From the strategic point of view, this paper puts forward the general idea of developing virtual management in the home improvement company, which makes the successful experience of Dongyi Riisheng Company more referential and operable. In this paper, a practical case is given to illustrate the process of virtual enterprise construction, and it is emphasized that in this process, timeliness is far more important than spending a lot of time to pursue better virtual combination. It is hoped that the virtual management methods proposed in this paper can be helpful to the managers of the home furnishing companies.
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