[Abstract]:Decorative art is the art of painting or sculpture attached to a subject. To beautify the ornament subject in conformity with its utilitarian requirements. Decorative art in clothing on the form of expression skills are also rich in diversity. Can be divided into plane decoration, three-dimensional decoration two major categories. The plane decoration mainly displays for the pattern organization and the decoration color application. Three dimensional decoration mainly through the material reprocessing, such as pile up, pleated, embroidered, embroidery, hollowed-out, drawing, cutting and other means of clothing modeling innovation design, so as to achieve the decorative design of clothing. Based on the explanation of the theory of the origin of adornment and beautification, this paper studies the purpose of human costume decoration, and summarizes the application of decorative art in clothing by means of plane decoration and stereoscopic decoration. Summed up hidden in the dress behind the decorative art law. Through the research on the application of decorative art in clothing, this paper sums up and sums up the methods of decorative art used in dress in ancient and modern China, finds out the route and law of its development, enriches the decorative elements of dress design, and inherits the cultural connotation of dress design. Constantly improve the artistic level of dress design.
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