[Abstract]:Soft decoration is an important part of interior space design. Soft decoration is the extension and development of architectural visual space relative to the hard structure in interior decoration. In the indoor environment, "soft decoration" plays the role of setting up the indoor atmosphere, creating the environment mood, enriching the space level, strengthening the indoor environment style, adjusting the environmental color and so on, which undoubtedly infuses the soul of the whole indoor image. Endowed with the vitality of indoor space and the aesthetic value of human nature. Indoor space is composed of points, lines, surfaces and other basic spatial elements. The relationships between spatial fabric elements are not random or simple combinations and combinations, but orderly and regular combinations based on the size of people's behavior and the needs of spatial use functions. There is a dialectical and unified relationship between them, and the article with complete meaning is composed of paragraphs, sentences and several morphemes, words and phrases. Lines, surfaces, and other basic spatial elements of the fabric of a certain degree of similarity. That is to say, the spatial fabric elements have inherent similarities between the meaning of a sentence of grammatical units at all levels when constructing a space, and only by the combination of each element can express a complete space and a complete meaning. But there is a difference between the two. A random combination of the fabric elements of a space can form a space without discussing the beauty of the building space; however, an article or even a passage should express a complete meaning. Each grammatical unit must be combined according to certain rules, such as subject-predicate object and so on. As a result, what is the relationship between architectural structure and semantic structure? Is there any commonality between "soft decoration" and "semantics" in different disciplines? Is there some inherent fabric order in "soft decoration" as in semantic structure in the interior space construction? On the basis of these problems, the research of this topic is based on the spatial semantic effect of indoor soft decoration, and the comparison between the whole interior space image construction and the semantic whole meaning expression, and the logical relationship between the various components of semantic. From this process, we can draw the following conclusions: (1) the indoor space fabric elements and the semantic fabric elements are consistent in the performance of their own integrity, and the following conclusions can be drawn from the derivation process: (1) the indoor space fabric elements and the semantic fabric elements are consistent in their performance of their own integrity. All are composed of units at all levels according to certain laws to form a whole image, each fabric element is an indispensable part. (2) soft decoration space as the passage in the article, It is the important fabric part of building indoor whole image. Soft decoration, as a modeling element in indoor space, has a certain internal order. This order determines the aesthetic value of the overall image of space in its vision. Finally, the semantic effect of soft interior decoration on interior space design is demonstrated and analyzed in combination with the outstanding examples of interior soft decoration design in China.
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