[Abstract]:In ancient times, Xinjiang was also called the Western region, inhabited mainly by Uighurs and other 13 ethnic groups, located in the Eurasian continent and the middle section of the Silk Road. It was the intersection of East and West cultures, and the art of the Western region had been from the grassland culture since ancient times. The culture of South and Central Asia (India and Persia), Islamic culture (Arab), Chinese culture of Central Plains and Western culture collide with each other, forming a unique national style in artistic culture. The decorative design art is the crystallization of the wisdom of the industrious Uygur people and the embodiment of the historical development and cultural spirit of this nation. At the same time, mural art is also one of the oldest art forms in the history of the Western region. The ancient and modern Xinjiang mural art enriches its own regional and national cultural characteristics by absorbing local cultural resources and foreign culture. Nowadays, under the background of globalization of knowledge and diversity of local culture, it is the mainstream of inheriting and developing national characteristics to establish regional and national mural form language, and the special regional culture is also a major trend of cultural development. Firstly, through the historical origin of Uygur decorative pattern art, this paper analyzes the artistic value of decorative pattern and the influence of relevant cultural factors on decorative pattern, and through collecting relevant information and pictures, This paper analyzes the historical evolution and present situation of the application of decorative pattern elements in murals, and probes into the application of Uygur decorative pattern elements in contemporary murals creation from the theoretical aspect. This paper tries to find out the fusion point between the elements of decorative patterns and the formal language of contemporary murals. This paper puts forward the visual function of mural art in the context of regional culture and the feasibility of the application of architectural space. Finally, the author used Uygur decorative patterns and cultural elements to express.
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