发布时间:2018-08-24 16:42
【摘要】:茶文化是我国饮食文化的重要分支,唐宋是我国饮茶文化历史上的重要时期,唐宋饮茶将茶饮从粗放煮饮升华成为精神性的品饮,围绕着唐煎宋点的唐宋饮茶风尚也给明清乃至现在的饮茶文化提供了发展基础,脱胎于煮饮方式的唐代煎茶和宋代点茶一脉相承又随着时代的发展和要求呈现出一个流变的过程,作为联系饮茶者与茶文化最直接的日用茶器—陶瓷茶盏在这个流变过程中受其影响造型装饰各有侧重,无论是唐代对青瓷茶盏“越州上”的推崇还是宋代对“青黑为贵”的建窑茶盏的偏爱都是建立于当时的饮茶风尚基础之上反映着茶饮变迁,,唐宋陶瓷茶盏造型装饰的演变与茶饮风尚流变联系之紧密可以说是唐宋饮茶文化的缩影,对现代日用陶瓷茶器设计生产如何在当今世界设计浪潮中保有本民族的文化根源做到实用与美观相结合有所启示。 本论文以唐宋饮茶风尚的流变为突破点,侧重于联系时人饮茶方式、社会氛围、审美取向梳理唐宋陶瓷茶盏的造型装饰演变,总结茶饮文化的变化对唐宋陶瓷茶盏演变的影响和关联,并且通过对大量的实例进行归纳和整理,辅以文献资料以及茶诗茶画等艺术形式研究唐宋饮茶风尚的流变与陶瓷茶盏造型装饰演变之间的关系。
[Abstract]:Tea culture is an important branch of Chinese diet culture, Tang and Song dynasties is an important period in the history of tea drinking culture in China. Tea drinking in Tang and Song dynasties sublimated tea from extensive boiling to spiritual drink. The tradition of tea drinking in Tang and Song dynasties around the Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty also provided a basis for the development of tea drinking culture in the Ming and Qing dynasties and even in the present. The decoction tea of Tang Dynasty and the tea spot of Song Dynasty, which were born out of the way of boiling and drinking, followed the development of the times and showed a process of evolution. As a direct link between tea drinkers and tea culture, ceramic tea vessels, which are the most direct daily tea utensils, have their own emphasis in the process of this rheological process. Whether the Tang Dynasty's praise for celadon tea "Yuezhou" or the Song Dynasty's preference for "green and black as the precious" is based on the prevailing tea drinking style at that time, it reflects the changes of tea drinking. The evolution of ceramic tea cup decoration in Tang and Song dynasties is closely related to the changing trend of tea drinking. It can be said to be the epitome of tea drinking culture in Tang and Song dynasties. It has some enlightenment on how to keep the cultural roots of this nation in the design and production of modern daily ceramic tea ware in the world design tide so that the combination of practicality and beauty can be achieved. In this paper, the trend of tea drinking in Tang and Song dynasties has become a breakthrough point, focusing on the relationship between people drinking tea, social atmosphere, aesthetic orientation to sort out the Tang and Song Dynasty ceramic tea cup shape decoration evolution, This paper summarizes the influence and correlation of the change of tea culture on the evolution of ceramic tea pot in Tang and Song dynasties, and summarizes and arranges a large number of examples. The relationship between the evolution of tea style in Tang and Song dynasties and the decoration and decoration of ceramic tea pots was studied with literature and art forms such as tea poetry and tea painting.
[Abstract]:Tea culture is an important branch of Chinese diet culture, Tang and Song dynasties is an important period in the history of tea drinking culture in China. Tea drinking in Tang and Song dynasties sublimated tea from extensive boiling to spiritual drink. The tradition of tea drinking in Tang and Song dynasties around the Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty also provided a basis for the development of tea drinking culture in the Ming and Qing dynasties and even in the present. The decoction tea of Tang Dynasty and the tea spot of Song Dynasty, which were born out of the way of boiling and drinking, followed the development of the times and showed a process of evolution. As a direct link between tea drinkers and tea culture, ceramic tea vessels, which are the most direct daily tea utensils, have their own emphasis in the process of this rheological process. Whether the Tang Dynasty's praise for celadon tea "Yuezhou" or the Song Dynasty's preference for "green and black as the precious" is based on the prevailing tea drinking style at that time, it reflects the changes of tea drinking. The evolution of ceramic tea cup decoration in Tang and Song dynasties is closely related to the changing trend of tea drinking. It can be said to be the epitome of tea drinking culture in Tang and Song dynasties. It has some enlightenment on how to keep the cultural roots of this nation in the design and production of modern daily ceramic tea ware in the world design tide so that the combination of practicality and beauty can be achieved. In this paper, the trend of tea drinking in Tang and Song dynasties has become a breakthrough point, focusing on the relationship between people drinking tea, social atmosphere, aesthetic orientation to sort out the Tang and Song Dynasty ceramic tea cup shape decoration evolution, This paper summarizes the influence and correlation of the change of tea culture on the evolution of ceramic tea pot in Tang and Song dynasties, and summarizes and arranges a large number of examples. The relationship between the evolution of tea style in Tang and Song dynasties and the decoration and decoration of ceramic tea pots was studied with literature and art forms such as tea poetry and tea painting.
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