[Abstract]:Paper-cut art is one of the most common and active art forms in Chinese traditional art, which reflects the psychological characteristics, life pursuit and aesthetic taste of the laboring people in our country. Just as China's ceramic art and culture, it is also a reflection of our people's wisdom and aesthetic main media. Paper-cut art is widely used in ceramic decoration with its unique formal language, which provides a broad space for the development of ceramic decoration. From the macro and micro point of view, this paper expounds the history of the combination of paper-cut art and ceramic decoration through the retrieval and analysis of the main achievements of related subjects, and emphasizes on the composition of paper-cut art, the expression techniques of Yin and Yang, and the points and lines. The paper discusses the concrete application of paper-cut in the decoration of modern ceramics, and also discusses the penetration of the cultural attribute of paper-cut in the modern ceramics, and emphasizes the manifestation of paper-cut in the decoration of modern ceramics. Broadening the performance of modern ceramic decoration enriches the theoretical system of ceramic art and provides reference for ceramic art workers and theorists.
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