发布时间:2018-10-15 19:36
【摘要】:建筑装饰行业是与人民生活息息相关的行业,它是既古老又年轻、既传统又现代的一个行业,在全面建设小康社会当中担负着重要的使命。随着中国经济的发展、房地产的发展以及人民生活水平的提高,给建筑装饰行业带来了一个巨大的发展空间,在增加内需和扩大就业等方面有着突出的作用。 新中国成立以后,随着我国经济的腾飞,当代的建筑装饰活动日益繁荣,并逐渐形成了一个独立的行业。这一时期的建筑装饰业在其发展的过程中,既取得了诸多辉煌的成就,同时也暴露出了一些问题。论文对我国当代的建筑装饰业的市场行为进行了总结和分析,从而得出建筑装饰行业的发展趋势,为我国当代的建筑装饰行业提供了一个较系统的论述,本文介绍了装饰装修行业的研究范围,阐述了装饰装修行业的特性,分析了中国装饰装修行业的现状,讨论了它的市场竞争状况,在此基础上,重点分析了目前装饰装修行业的市场营销策略,针对当前行业发展面临的机遇与威胁,提出了我们对建筑装饰行业发展的投资及战略建议。以严谨的内容、翔实的数据、直观的图表帮助建筑装饰企业准确把握行业发展动向、正确制定企业竞争战略和投资策略。本文的主要数据来源于国家统计局、国家信息中心、海关总署、中国建筑装饰行业协会等业内权威专业研究机构以及我中心的实地调研。本文整合了多家权威机构的数据资源和专家资源,从众多数据中提炼出了精当、真正有价值的情报,并结合了行业所处的环境,从理论到实践、宏观与微观等多个角度进行研究分析,其结论和观点达了到前瞻性、实用性和可行性的统一。
[Abstract]:Architectural decoration industry is closely related to people's life. It is an industry that is old, young, traditional and modern, and shoulders an important mission in building a well-off society in an all-round way. With the development of Chinese economy, the development of real estate and the improvement of people's living standard, it brings a huge development space to the construction and decoration industry, and plays a prominent role in increasing domestic demand and expanding employment. After the founding of New China, with the rapid development of China's economy, contemporary architectural decoration activities have become increasingly prosperous, and gradually formed an independent industry. In the process of development of architectural decoration industry in this period, it not only made many brilliant achievements, but also exposed some problems. This paper summarizes and analyzes the market behavior of the contemporary architectural decoration industry in China, and concludes the development trend of the architectural decoration industry, which provides a more systematic exposition for the contemporary architectural decoration industry in our country. This paper introduces the research scope of decoration and decoration industry, expounds the characteristics of decoration and decoration industry, analyzes the present situation of decoration and decoration industry in China, and discusses its market competition. This paper mainly analyzes the marketing strategy of decoration and decoration industry at present, and puts forward our investment and strategic suggestions for the development of building decoration industry in view of the opportunities and threats facing the development of the industry. With strict content, accurate data and visual chart, it helps the architectural decoration enterprise to grasp the development trend of the industry accurately, and to formulate the competition strategy and investment strategy of the enterprise correctly. The main data of this paper are from the National Bureau of Statistics, the National Information Center, the General Administration of Customs, the China Construction and Decoration Industry Association and other authoritative professional research institutions, as well as my center of field research. This paper integrates the data resources and expert resources of many authoritative organizations, abstracts from the numerous data the accurate, truly valuable intelligence, and combines the industry environment, from the theory to the practice, The conclusion and viewpoint are forward-looking, practicability and feasibility.
[Abstract]:Architectural decoration industry is closely related to people's life. It is an industry that is old, young, traditional and modern, and shoulders an important mission in building a well-off society in an all-round way. With the development of Chinese economy, the development of real estate and the improvement of people's living standard, it brings a huge development space to the construction and decoration industry, and plays a prominent role in increasing domestic demand and expanding employment. After the founding of New China, with the rapid development of China's economy, contemporary architectural decoration activities have become increasingly prosperous, and gradually formed an independent industry. In the process of development of architectural decoration industry in this period, it not only made many brilliant achievements, but also exposed some problems. This paper summarizes and analyzes the market behavior of the contemporary architectural decoration industry in China, and concludes the development trend of the architectural decoration industry, which provides a more systematic exposition for the contemporary architectural decoration industry in our country. This paper introduces the research scope of decoration and decoration industry, expounds the characteristics of decoration and decoration industry, analyzes the present situation of decoration and decoration industry in China, and discusses its market competition. This paper mainly analyzes the marketing strategy of decoration and decoration industry at present, and puts forward our investment and strategic suggestions for the development of building decoration industry in view of the opportunities and threats facing the development of the industry. With strict content, accurate data and visual chart, it helps the architectural decoration enterprise to grasp the development trend of the industry accurately, and to formulate the competition strategy and investment strategy of the enterprise correctly. The main data of this paper are from the National Bureau of Statistics, the National Information Center, the General Administration of Customs, the China Construction and Decoration Industry Association and other authoritative professional research institutions, as well as my center of field research. This paper integrates the data resources and expert resources of many authoritative organizations, abstracts from the numerous data the accurate, truly valuable intelligence, and combines the industry environment, from the theory to the practice, The conclusion and viewpoint are forward-looking, practicability and feasibility.
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