发布时间:2018-11-10 11:57
【摘要】:本文将从研究生期间的的创作实践讲起,再通过此次创作过程加以说明,谈一谈装饰绘画的艺术语言。 装饰绘画是人类历史上最早的艺术形式。无论是古希腊瓶画和壁画、埃及壁画、敦煌壁画和中国的帛画、汉代画像砖和画像石,还是后来的日本浮世绘版画、中国的年画,野兽派代表画家马蒂斯的绘画、分离派画家克里姆特的绘画以及米罗等大师的绘画中,无一不体现着装饰性在绘画中的重要作用。看那简洁且富有力量的线条,勾勒出来的精美形象;色彩对比给观者带来的视觉冲击;平面元素——点、线、面,在画面中的应用,都说明了装饰绘画是极其富有表现力一种艺术语言。
[Abstract]:This article will talk about the artistic language of decorative painting through the creative process. Decorative painting is the earliest art form in human history. Whether it is ancient Greek bottle paintings and murals, Egyptian murals, Dunhuang murals and Chinese silk paintings, Han Dynasty portraits and stone portraits, or later Japanese pictorial prints, Chinese New year paintings, and paintings by the Beast School on behalf of the painter Matisse. In the paintings of the separatist painters Klimt and Milo, all of them embody the important role of decoration in painting. Look at the simple and powerful lines, sketch out the beautiful image, color contrast to the viewer's visual impact; The application of plane elements-points, lines, surfaces, in pictures shows that decorative painting is an artistic language with great expressive power.
[Abstract]:This article will talk about the artistic language of decorative painting through the creative process. Decorative painting is the earliest art form in human history. Whether it is ancient Greek bottle paintings and murals, Egyptian murals, Dunhuang murals and Chinese silk paintings, Han Dynasty portraits and stone portraits, or later Japanese pictorial prints, Chinese New year paintings, and paintings by the Beast School on behalf of the painter Matisse. In the paintings of the separatist painters Klimt and Milo, all of them embody the important role of decoration in painting. Look at the simple and powerful lines, sketch out the beautiful image, color contrast to the viewer's visual impact; The application of plane elements-points, lines, surfaces, in pictures shows that decorative painting is an artistic language with great expressive power.
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1 王锦霞;当传统遭遇时尚[D];四川大学;2007年
2 程沁心;傅抱石人物画“古意”研究[D];杭州师范大学;2012年