[Abstract]:The first sight of the building is its facade. The facade can not only protect the building from the wind and rain, but also represent the society, history, culture and so on. As a secondary creation of architectural space, facade decoration embodies the individuality and aesthetic feeling of architecture in different forms, colors, materials and light. With the rapid development of market economy in our country, people's living standard has been greatly improved, and at the same time, there are higher requirements on living, working and living environment. As an important part of architecture, facade decoration is an important part of architecture. In improving people's living environment, beautifying the city and other aspects, make important contributions. This paper mainly studies the problem of visual aesthetics of architectural facade decoration. It systematically combs the knowledge of architectural design, aesthetics, environmental design and environmental psychology, especially on the basis of the principles of visual aesthetics. According to the environment of the building, using a large number of architectural examples and some complete theories, this paper puts forward some practical methods of architectural facade decoration design, and probes into the theory and aesthetic feeling of architectural decoration. Hope to play the role of a brick to attract jade. The first chapter of this paper mainly puts forward the background, purpose and significance of the research on architectural facade decoration. The second chapter mainly discusses the core concepts of the visual aesthetic sense of architectural facade decoration-definition, attributes, functions and so on, and further expounds the location of the visual aesthetic sense of architectural facade decoration. The third chapter first grasps the characteristic of the building facade decoration from the microscopic angle, and discusses the relevant principles which should be followed from the macroscopic view. In the fourth chapter, through enumerating the successful examples of architectural facade decoration at home and abroad, the author puts forward the concrete design method of architectural facade decoration.
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