[Abstract]:Compared with other kinds of art, decorative art is the earliest form of art in human history and widely used. It originates from the original intention of human aesthetic pursuit, and has extremely important value and significance for the formation and development of other artistic categories. In the course of the development of human history, decorative art plays an important role, and continues to affect people's deeper understanding of art and the deepening of cognition. And it is in this gradual in-depth understanding of the process, decorative art function and role can be highlighted. At present, the concept of decoration has been deeply rooted in people's heart. As a means of decorating life, the way we view the world and the attitude of understanding art are increasingly influenced, and the unique charm and value of decorative art are more and more displayed. Based on the innate explanation of decorative motivation, this paper traces the historical origin and development process of decorative art activities, and the subtle relationship between the sense of order and the decorative motivation inherent in living things. And elaborated the people regarding "the beauty" the different understanding and the feeling. Form and content are two important factors about sense of order. The western history of art has always drifted and moved between "content" and "form". Different concepts of form and content lead to different theories and research methods. One view is that in works of art, form cannot be separated from content, color, line, light and shadow, volume and plane distribution in the visual pleasing to the eye, must be understood as carrying a variety of meanings; Another view is that the nature of art does not exist in the faithful reproduction of nature, but in form, color, rhythm and other abstract qualities. From the point of view of formalism aesthetics, this paper expounds its development process and the main viewpoints of representatives, and tries to explain the different cognition of the interaction and subtle relationship between form and content from the perspective of formalism aesthetics. And some categories and concepts related to the concepts of form and content are discussed, and they are preliminarily summarized and identified. Taking "fat and thin" as an example, this paper analyzes the corresponding aesthetic interest and the difference of aesthetic experience between people's attitude towards fat and thin in specific expression situation. At last, the thesis discusses the different expressions of formal aesthetic effect on decorative style and its practical significance in artistic creation and emotional expression from the point of view of formal aesthetic feeling and decorative function of texture.
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