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发布时间:2019-05-05 08:31
【摘要】:我国家具艺术历史悠久,有文字可考和形象可证的已经有三千多年。随着人们起居形式的变化和历代匠师们手工艺的逐步改进,发展成为高度科学性、艺术性以及实用性的优秀生活工具。明式家具装饰在继承了宋代家具装饰特点的基础上推陈出新,发展出许多的家具种类,而且造型更加劲挺,结构更加合理,装饰纹样更加精美细致,纹样在家具中主要起点缀作用,而这些点缀作用的纹饰与家具装饰形成了和谐统一又对比变化的整体,同时又受到道家思想观念、风俗习惯、以及当时特殊的审美情趣等因素的影响,逐渐形成了庄重肃穆、清秀淡雅、自然质朴以及内敛含蓄的明式家具装饰风格。随着时代变迁,明朝逐渐被消亡,清朝迎来了几个阶段的鼎盛时期,又因为西方文化的引进,使得家具上的装饰纹样逐渐的丰富起来,较明式家具的装饰纹样多了西番莲纹等纹饰,同时发展出除了雕饰之外的更加丰富的加工工艺,如镶嵌、彩绘等,并且纹饰也比明式家具更加的写实,又受儒家思想、佛教等的影响,使清式家具装饰纹样一改前朝风格,变肃穆为流畅,化简洁为华贵,出现了稳重、奢华的清式家具。 明清家具的装饰纹样中,反映出当时人类的生活信息、风俗习惯、文化特征等重要信息,具有浑厚的历史文化价值,而纹饰作为鉴定和欣赏家具的重要组成部分,也体现出了它高度的艺术欣赏价值。明清家具装饰纹样题材丰富、加工工艺精湛并且蕴含着深厚的文化意蕴,在世界家具发展史上占有重要的地位。
[Abstract]:The furniture art of our country has a long history, the text can be tested and the image can be verified for more than three thousand years. With the change of people's living form and the gradual improvement of craftsmanship, it has become a highly scientific, artistic and practical tool of life. Ming-style furniture decoration on the basis of inheriting the characteristics of the Song Dynasty furniture decoration, developed many kinds of furniture, and the shape is more firm, the structure is more reasonable, the decorative pattern is more exquisite and meticulous. Patterns play a major role in embellishment in furniture, and these embellishment and decoration form a harmonious, unified and contrastive whole. At the same time, they are also affected by Taoist ideas, customs and habits. As well as the special aesthetic taste and other factors at that time, gradually formed a solemn, elegant and elegant, natural simple and reserved Ming-style furniture decoration style. With the vicissitudes of the times, the Ming Dynasty gradually died out, the Qing Dynasty ushered in several stages of the heyday, and because of the introduction of western culture, the decorative patterns on furniture gradually enriched. More decorative patterns of Ming-style furniture, such as the pattern of passionflower, and so on, at the same time developed in addition to sculptures in addition to more rich processing techniques, such as mosaic, painting, and so on, and decorative patterns than Ming-style furniture more realistic, but also by Confucianism, The influence of Buddhism and so on, make the decoration pattern of Qing-style furniture change the style of the former dynasty, change the solemn to smooth, turn the succinct into the luxury, appeared the steady, luxurious Qing-style furniture. The decorative patterns of furniture in Ming and Qing dynasties reflect the important information of human life, customs and cultural characteristics at that time, and have rich historical and cultural value, while decorative decoration is an important part of identifying and appreciating furniture. It also reflects its high value of artistic appreciation. Ming and Qing dynasties furniture adornment pattern subject matter is rich, the processing craft is exquisite and contains the profound cultural implication, occupies the important position in the world furniture development history.


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6 陈辉;明清家具展新容[N];市场报;2004年

7 梧桐;明清家具“陷阱”多[N];中国商报;2003年

8 周运珠;明清家具价值无限[N];山西日报;2004年

9 孙琪;造型别致 背景单调[N];中国集邮报;2011年

10 呼恪新;走进明清家具[N];中华读书报;2003年

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