[Abstract]:It is three hundred and sixty lines, and the line comes out of the top of the line. It is said that in the wood decoration industry, there is a wooden line decoration king, she is Shanghai Yuehua Decoration Materials Factory. So we went to interview by name. To be king in the industry, one must think of it as a large enterprise in a famous location, however, unexpectedly, This is a small township-level enterprise located in the north of Shanghai, a small road called Yuejin Road, which can not be found on the map of Shanghai. For the first time, it took a lot of time to find the location of Shanghai Yuehua Decoration Materials Factory, 130 Yuejin Road. Located north of Old Shanghai Road, on the east side of Hu Tai Road, about thousands of meters away, it is a remote place away from the center of the downtown market. However, over the years, it is this Yuehua Decoration material Factory has made brilliant achievements. From 1990 to 1994, the sales volume of all kinds of decorative wood lines totaled more than 8 million meters, with more than 1 million direct customers. From 1993 to April 1995, Liu an wood long floor, sales totaled more than 500, 000 square meters. More than 20,000 direct customers. As a result, the remote place here has become a flood of traffic. The door is like a city, and there is a lot of trouble. This really fulfilled the Chinese Yue Chinese belief that the fragrance of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley.
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