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发布时间:2018-07-05 12:49

  本文选题:殷商 + 西周 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 人类童年时代的审美意识又实与实用浑然一体而须臾不可分离,甲骨文和金文作为此二者之混血儿而产生,从它一萌生出世便发挥着许多重要的社会功能:宗教、政治、教育、社交等方面几乎无不浮现它们靓丽的风采,但是此种时代文化对甲骨文和金文自身的影响又是不言而喻的。既这种“审美意识”或谓“生命意识”与时代文化有着蕴藏在根底深处的血脉联系,因此,需要更加透彻地领悟甲骨文和金文的“生命意识”时,在对当时的文化背景进行深入的观照以后,它就会宛如昨日般地、鲜活地呈现出来。 商代统治者非常迷信,例如十天之内会不会有灾祸,天会不会下雨,农作物是不是有好收成,打仗能不能胜利,应该对哪些鬼神进行哪些祭祀,甚至于生育、疾病、做梦等等事情都要进行占卜,以了解鬼神的意志和事情的吉凶。武王推翻商纣后,周公主政,为了应付当时各种复杂的政治环境,进行了一系列的政治改革,制礼作乐。这相比于殷商的事事必问鬼神,周代的统治者更加重视现实社会的各种人伦礼制,更加注重人的主宰性。 从中国书法的肇始之际——甲骨文开始,中国文化的血液便深深地扎根于书法艺术之中。殷商“绝地天通”的神本文化,用于占卜祭祀的龟甲和兽骨,殷人那种神秘的、朦胧的、稚嫩的社会心理无不影响着甲骨文书法艺术的发展;同样,逐渐向人本文化转变的西周人,用他们自身对世界的认识,对生活的热情来诠释着属于他们的书法艺术——金文。金文在西周的鼎盛和繁荣照样离不开周文化所蕴含的气质,西周最具特色的分封宗法制和礼乐文化对金文所起到的潜移默化的影响是不言而喻的。 当人们流连于甲骨片和青铜器之间时,赞叹甲骨文和金文巧夺天工的艺术魅力时,让人仿佛又回到了那血火交融、文质彬彬的上古社会,仿佛又切身地接受一次“事鬼敬神”、“郁郁乎文”的文化精神的洗礼。
[Abstract]:The aesthetic consciousness of human childhood was integrated with practicality and could not be separated for a moment. Oracle bone inscription and golden inscription, as a hybrid of the two, had played many important social functions from their birth: religion, politics, education, etc. Social and other aspects of almost all of their beautiful appearance, but this era of culture on the Oracle and the Jin Wen itself is self-evident. Since this kind of "aesthetic consciousness" or "life consciousness" has a deep blood relationship with the culture of the times, therefore, it is necessary to have a more thorough understanding of the "life consciousness" of Oracle and Jin. After taking a deep look at the cultural background at that time, it will appear as if it were yesterday. The rulers of the Shang Dynasty were very superstitious, such as whether there would be disasters in ten days, whether it would rain, whether the crops would have a good harvest, whether the war could be won, what kinds of ghosts and gods should be sacrificed, even if they were bearing children and diseases. Dream and so on to carry out divination, to understand the will of ghosts and the good or bad things. After King Wu overthrew Shang Zhou, Zhou was in charge of the government. In order to deal with the complicated political environment at that time, he carried out a series of political reforms. Compared with the Yin and Shang dynasties, the rulers of the Zhou Dynasty paid more attention to the human ethics and the dominance of the people. Since the beginning of Chinese calligraphy-oracle bone-writing, the blood of Chinese culture has been deeply rooted in calligraphy art. The divine culture of the Shang "Jedi Tiantong", used for divination and sacrifice of tortoise shells and animal bones, the mysterious, hazy and immature social psychology of Yin people all affected the development of the art of oracle bone calligraphy; likewise, The people of the Western Zhou Dynasty, who gradually changed to the humanistic culture, used their own understanding of the world and enthusiasm for life to interpret the calligraphy art that belonged to them-the Jin Wen. The prosperity and prosperity of Jin Wen in the Western Zhou Dynasty can not be separated from the temperament contained in the Zhou culture. When people linger between oracle bones and bronzes, and admire the artistic charm of oracle bone and gold, it seems as if they have returned to the ancient society, where the blood and fire are mingled with each other, and it seems as if they have received once more the expression of "ghosts and deities." The baptism of the cultural spirit of Yu Yu Wen.


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