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发布时间:2018-01-03 07:40

  本文关键词:吴晓邦舞蹈教育思想初探 出处:《湖南师范大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 吴晓邦 舞蹈 教育思想 教学启示

【摘要】: 吴晓邦是中国新舞蹈艺术的创始人,他为中国舞蹈教育事业的发展与繁荣开拓了宽广的道路。他一生身体力行、勇于实践、慧敏锐智、勤于思考,是一位少见的把长期的舞蹈实践与系统的理论研究相结合,集舞蹈表演、教学、编导、理论于一身的舞蹈艺术大师。本文围绕吴晓邦的舞蹈教育史迹和他的理论创作,进行分析、归纳,从而初步提炼出其舞蹈教育思想的内涵与核心,在此基础上,再结合自己的教学工作,探讨吴晓邦舞蹈教育思想对当代舞蹈教学的启示。全文分为四个部分: 第一部分:主要对本文研究的背景、意义、动态、内容和结构进行分析和阐述。 第二部分:围绕吴晓邦从事舞蹈事业的三个阶段来介绍他的教学经历和教学成果。 第三部分:以吴晓邦的六本著作《我的舞蹈艺术生涯》、《新舞蹈艺术概论》、《舞蹈新论》、《谈艺录》、《舞论集》、《舞论续集》为主要研究资料,搜集有关他的教育成果和教学体系,并从中提炼出其教育思想的内涵,主要围绕“实施全面育人的教学理念”、“采用‘启发式'教学法”、“重视舞蹈的美育功能”、“倡导‘三位一体'的系统观”四个方面的思想内核来进行研究。 第四部分:以吴晓邦舞蹈教育思想为理论研究基础,探讨吴晓邦关于舞蹈“科学的训练方法”、“创造力的培养”、“‘三位一体'系统观”对教学实践带来的启示,为舞蹈教育工作者的学习和研究提供有益借鉴。
[Abstract]:Wu Xiaobang is the founder of China's new dance art, he has opened up a broad road for the development and prosperity of Chinese dance education. Is a rare combination of long-term dance practice and systematic theoretical research, set dance performance, teaching, choreographer. This article revolves around Wu Xiaobang's dance education historical track and his theory creation, carries on the analysis, the induction, thus preliminarily refines the connotation and the core of his dance education thought, on this basis. Combined with his own teaching work, this paper probes into the enlightenment of Wu Xiaobang's dance education thought to contemporary dance teaching. The full text is divided into four parts: The first part mainly analyzes the background, significance, dynamics, content and structure of this paper. The second part introduces Wu Xiaobang's teaching experience and achievements around the three stages of his dance career. The third part: take Wu Xiaobang's six works "my Dance Art career", "the New Dance Art introduction", "the Dance New Theory", "the discussion Art record", "the Dance Theory Collection", "the Dance Theory sequel" as the main research material. Collecting his educational achievements and teaching system, and abstracting the connotation of his educational thought, mainly focusing on "carrying out the teaching idea of all-round education" and "adopting the 'heuristic teaching method'". "attach importance to the aesthetic education function of dance", "advocate the 'Trinity' system view" four aspects of the ideological core to study. Part 4th: taking Wu Xiaobang's dance education thought as the theoretical research foundation, the author probes into the "scientific training method" and "the cultivation of creativity" about the dance by Wu Xiaobang. The concept of "Trinity" brings enlightenment to the teaching practice and provides useful reference for the study and research of dance educators.


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