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发布时间:2018-01-03 16:25

  本文关键词:论民族风格在民族舞蹈中的作用及多样化创作 出处:《电影文学》2009年14期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 风格 民族舞蹈 民族风格

[Abstract]:Chinese is a multi-ethnic country, ethnic art brilliant, folk dance is one of the indispensable part, it is the product of a nation's diligence and intelligence for a long time, it is inclusive of the national character, traditional concept, aesthetic consciousness and cultural heritage. Folk dance is the core of national style. In terms of dance content selection, morphological characteristics and artistic dance aesthetic values, must maintain a strong national style. Folk dance performance is restricted by national style, if abandon the national style of this core, the folk dance personality disappeared. The development of folk dance cannot do without the basic national traditions and culture the development is in the continuous accumulation, change, innovation, change is the basis for the development of the national characteristics and national style.

【作者单位】: 河北外国语职业学院;
【正文快照】: “风格”一词源于希腊,它最初的含义是柱子、棍子,后来把写字的棍子叫“风格”,由此演变出另外的含义,即笔调或阐述思想的方式。我国辞海解释为:“风格是文艺作品艺术建筑所表现的思想特点和艺术特点。”舞蹈的民族风格是指沉积在某一民族舞蹈素材中的民族个性特征。风格是一


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5 谢t,




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