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发布时间:2018-01-07 03:12

  本文关键词:夏尔巴民间舞蹈的与传承研究 出处:《西藏大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 夏尔巴 夏尔巴民间舞蹈 特征 保护与传承

[Abstract]:Charlba as the Tibet national minority area, customs in history and culture, cultural environment, folk art shows the characteristics of out of the ordinary and other ethnic groups. Especially Charlba folk dance, not only shows the unique ethnic character Charlba, also has the local height, regional characteristics, it embodies the wisdom of Charlba Charlba, for nature, love life and longing in their dance show the most incisive. The evolution of Charlba folk dance in the long history, collision and fusion, the surrounding area culture, forming a unique shape and style characteristics of the Charlba dance rhythm. Charlba Charlba folk dance as a symbol of ethnic culture, carrying Charlba a long history of traditional culture and fashion, the shire folk dance bar is an important part of Chinese culture, is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Palestinian population Charles Due to the traditional culture. People indifferent, resulting in Charlba folk dance in the current situation of culture gradually disappearing. This unique form of dance is focused on the protection of traditional culture, inheritance and protection of this culture is also a long-term and arduous task. This article discusses the artistic features of Ba shire folk dances, inheritance and protection as the starting point, the author on the basis of the existing literature, combining with field investigation and morphological analysis, in Tibet Shigatse city Dinggye County Chen town Charlba folk dance of the natural environment, the humanities environment, the current situation of the development of morphological characteristics, analysis of summer while the folk dance, heritage protection and future development, puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions the inheritance and protection, hoping to help Charlba folk dance, to promote sustainable development of economy, Chen will also have a certain significance.



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1 本报记者 孙开远;绘就定结美好发展画卷[N];日喀则报(汉);2011年

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1 汪庆欢;夏尔巴民间舞蹈的与传承研究[D];西藏大学;2016年




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