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发布时间:2018-01-12 16:30

  本文关键词:江苏民间舞蹈女子动作研究 出处:《南京艺术学院》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 江苏民间舞蹈 研究方法 风格特征

[Abstract]:Through combing the research work of Jiangsu folk dance women's movement, this paper expounds the characteristics of Jiangsu folk dance women's movement research method and style extraction. In the dance movement collection and arrangement method, from the field investigation. Dynamic restoration of literature and experts interview, collect Jiangsu folk dance movement elements; From the form, function, props classification methods, the integration of the collection of dance vocabulary, to understand the existing state of Jiangsu folk dance; In order to develop dance elements by screening, exaggerating and repeating, deleting and splitting, we enrich the vocabulary of Jiangsu folk dance action. At the same time, we extract the gentle and elegant dance style characteristics of southern Jiangsu region from the women's movement. The dignified and generous dance style characteristics of the central Jiangsu region and the warm and bold dance style characteristics of the northern Jiangsu region, thus reflecting the value of Jiangsu folk dance and research value, for the protection of Jiangsu folk dance, heritage. Development and communication have taken an important step forward.


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