本文选题:我国 + 业余 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Objective to study the Latin dance teaching content of amateur children comprehensively and systematically. On this basis, combining with the law of children's physical and mental development, this paper constructs the teaching content system of Latin dance for amateur children in our country, seeks scientific teaching content, and solves the problem of scattered teaching content of amateur children's Latin dance. It provides an operational teaching model for the teaching of Latin dance for amateur children in China. The construction of Latin dance teaching content system for amateur children and the importance of explaining the teaching content are helpful to supplement and perfect the Latin dance teaching content for amateur children. A more scientific and reasonable Latin dance teaching content system suitable for amateur children is constructed to provide reference for national amateur children's Latin dance training school and guide teachers' teaching. Methods based on the methods of literature, expert interview, questionnaire investigation, mathematical statistics and so on, this paper takes the law of children's body growth and development, Latin dance art characteristics and technical characteristics, curriculum theory as the theoretical basis. According to the training needs of teachers and parents, this paper clarifies the teaching objectives of Latin dance for amateur children, and constructs a model of Latin dance teaching content system for amateur children. Conclusion (1) the Latin dance teaching class of amateur children in China is chaotic, and there is no uniform age classification standard, and the initial dance class teaching is different in order, which is based on the situation of each training school and the teacher's experience. The teaching content is not comprehensive, the lack of ballet body teaching, ignoring music teaching, according to the theory of movement development and the basic theory of curriculum design, and combined with the law of children's body growth and development and Latin dance's own artistic and technical characteristics. Constructing the basic frame of Latin dance teaching content system for amateur children follows the principles of science, systematicness, practicability and feasibility, and constructs the Latin dance teaching content system for amateur children according to the opinions and suggestions of the national sports dance experts. On the basis of following the principle of constructing the teaching content, this paper constructs the framework structure of the Latin dance teaching content for amateur children and the corresponding three-level index content .5) the Latin dance teaching content system for amateur children is constructed from four classes. Respectively is the enlightenment class, the junior class, the intermediate class and the advanced class teaching content system. The teaching content system of the initial class includes three parts: the teaching of music knowledge, the teaching of ballet body and the teaching of technology, and the teaching content system of the junior class also includes these three parts.
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