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发布时间:2018-04-27 14:45

  本文选题:李隆基 + 唐代乐舞 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】:正文:唐代乐舞是我国舞蹈史上最璀璨的明珠,经过百年的发展至李隆基在位时达到了鼎盛。本文以李隆基这一历史人物为切入点,从他在政治、经济、文化艺术方面的改革和推进作用,对于乐舞艺术的大力提倡和发展,以及当时社会形成的“自舞成风”的社会局面等方面进行研究和归纳,阐述了李隆基在位期间对乐舞艺术的繁荣起到的重要作用。文章共分为五个部分: 第一部分是绪论,共分为两节。第一节主要阐述了本文的选题意义和研究的理论价值以及国内外关于这方面的研究现状。第二节对本文的研究目的和方法进行了阐述。 第二部分共分为三节,主要总结了李隆基开创的“开元盛世”时期的社会局面和审美情趣。第一节,对李隆基这一历史人物的生平进行了概括,展现了他卓尔不凡、跌宕起伏的人生经历。第二节,从政治、经济、文化艺术三个层面,阐述了李隆基的具体举措和改革对社会产生的巨大影响,反映了当时开放富强的社会局面。第三节,从女性的体态、性格和着装等方面反映了当时别具一格的社会审美情趣,展现盛唐的自由和开放。 第三部分是本文的重点,共分为三节,经过研究后提出了“艺术皇帝”这一概念,并且分析整理了李隆基对唐代乐舞的繁荣兴盛做出的杰出贡献。第一节,从舞蹈、作曲、乐器、诗歌和书法等方面对“艺术皇帝”这一理念进行研究和阐释,展现了李隆基多才多艺的人格魅力和在艺术上的深厚造诣。第二节,主要研究李隆基对唐代乐舞繁荣做出的具体贡献,分为三个方面:第一,表明了李隆基对乐舞表演形式的改进和明确划分。第二,从增设教坊和创立梨园这两个层面,研究李隆基对乐舞机构进行的改革和完善。第三,选择外来乐舞和宗教乐舞作为切入点,阐述了李隆基提倡乐舞艺术多元化的发展。第三节,从李隆基卓越的乐舞创作才能入手,从三个层面剖析了他为唐代乐舞的繁荣贡献出的力量,并且引领唐代乐舞从现实主义阶段进入到浪漫主义阶段。第一,李隆基和前朝的乐舞观有明显区别,对乐舞独到的理解和感悟使唐代乐舞的审美性、艺术性、专业性都达到了全新的高度。第二,李隆基的代表作《霓裳羽衣舞》是唐代大曲之中最优秀的作品,分析其的来由和艺术价值有着重要意义。第三,由于李隆基的创作数量很多,因此从中选择《龙池乐》和《凌波曲》两个能够凸显他乐舞审美观的作品进行分析。 第四部分是论文的最后一章,共分为两节,主要研究了在李隆基的大力提倡下,唐代乐舞渗透到社会的各个阶层,形成了“自舞成风”的社会局面。第一节,从宫廷这一角度分析乐舞“自舞成风”的现象。李隆基的提倡和作为,使当时宫廷的皇室子弟、妃嫔、大臣等对乐舞趋之若鹜,宫廷之中舞风兴盛。第二节,从乐舞在民间的情况分析“自舞成风”的现象,通过帝王与民同乐和民间自发进行的自娱性歌舞——踏歌来展现乐舞在民间的兴盛。 第五部分是结论,从整体上总结文章的创作目的和意义,表明文章的研究价值。
[Abstract]:The music and dance of the Tang Dynasty is the most bright pearl in the history of Chinese dance. After a hundred years of development to Li Longji's reign, it has reached its heyday. This article takes Li Longji as a historical figure as a breakthrough point, from his political, economic, cultural and artistic aspects of the reform and promotion of the art of music and dance, as well as the social shape of the time. This paper makes a study and induction on the social situation of "self dance", and expounds the important role played by Li Longji in the flourishing of music and dance during his reign. The article is divided into five parts:
The first part is the introduction, which is divided into two sections. The first section mainly expounds the significance of the topic and the theoretical value of the research as well as the research status on this aspect at home and abroad. The second section expounds the purpose and method of this study.
The second part is divided into three sections, which mainly summarizes the social situation and aesthetic interest of Li Longji's "Kaiyuan flourishing age" period. The first section is a summary of the life of Li Longji, a historical figure, showing his extraordinary and undulating life experience. Second sections, from three aspects of politics, economy and culture and art, elaborated Li. The concrete measures of Longji and the great influence of the reform on the society reflect the social situation of opening and strong and strong at that time. The third section reflects the unique aesthetic taste of the society at that time from the feminine posture, character and dress, and shows the freedom and openness of the Tang Dynasty.
The third part is the focus of this article, which is divided into three sections. After studying, it puts forward the concept of "emperor of art", and analyzes and collate Li Longji's outstanding contribution to the prosperity and prosperity of the music and dance of the Tang Dynasty. The first section studies and explains the idea of "the emperor of art" from the aspects of dance, composing, musical instruments, poetry and calligraphy. It shows Li Longji's versatile personality charm and his profound attainments in art. The second section mainly studies Li Longji's specific contribution to the prosperity of the music and dance of the Tang Dynasty, which is divided into three aspects: first, it shows the improvement and clear division of Li Longji's musical and dance performances. Second, from the two aspects of the establishment of the teaching workshop and the creation of the pear orchard. The reform and perfection of Li Longji's music and dance institutions are investigated. Third, the choice of foreign music and dance and religious music and dance as the breakthrough point, expounds the development of Li Longji's pluralistic development of music and dance. The third section, starting with Li Longji's excellent music and dance creation, analyses his contribution to the prosperity of the music and dance of the Tang Dynasty from three levels, and leads to the introduction of his contribution to the prosperity of the music and dance of the Tang Dynasty. The music and dance of the Tang Dynasty entered the romantic stage from the realistic stage. First, Li Longji and the former dynasties have obvious differences in music and dance. The unique understanding and understanding of music and dance made the aesthetic, artistic and professional of the music and dance of the Tang Dynasty reach a new height. Second, Li Longji's masterpiece, "the dress dance of neon clothes" is the best in the Tang Dynasty. The works of Xiu, analysis of its origin and artistic value have important significance. Third, because of the number of Li Longji's creation, two works which can highlight the aesthetic view of his music and dance are analyzed from the selection of "dragon pool" and "Ling Bo song".
The fourth part is the last chapter of the paper, which is divided into two sections. It mainly studies the social situation that the music and dance in the Tang Dynasty infiltrated into various social strata and formed a social situation of "self dance" in the Tang Dynasty. The first section, from the angle of the court, analyzes the phenomenon of "self dancing" in the palace. Li Longji's advocacy and action made the palace at that time. The royal children, concubines and ministers were flocking to music and dance, and the wind flourished in the court. In the second section, the phenomenon of "self dancing" from music and dance in the folk was analyzed, and the flourishing of music and dance in the folk was shown by the emperor and the folk music and folk songs and dances spontaneously carried out by the folk.
The fifth part is the conclusion, which summarizes the purpose and significance of the article as a whole, and shows the research value of the article.



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