[Abstract]:Dance teaching as an art teaching activity, the effective development of dance education, not only enables students to master the necessary dance elements, but also allows students to participate in dance learning process, to achieve their own skills substantial improvement. However, in the process of carrying out dance teaching activities, we find that there are some problems and deficiencies. Due to the inflexibility of the teaching process, the whole teaching activities lack of effective innovation, and the students' motivation to learn dance art is not enough. Therefore, it is very important to combine the objective requirements of the innovation and development of dance teaching, to incorporate new contents and to implement new teaching methods. This paper will begin with the analysis of the problems and shortcomings in the process of carrying out the dance teaching at present, combine with the cognition of the new requirements of the implementation of the dance teaching, and understand the connotation of the artistic system of tea science. The paper analyzes the significance and value of tea art in dance teaching activities.
【作者单位】: 内蒙古师范大学鸿德学院;
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