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发布时间:2018-08-08 17:44
[Abstract]:This article takes the dance image of Lin Daiyu as the main research object, taking Yu Ying version of A Dream of Red Mansions, Zhang Jianmin version of Red Chamber Funeral Flower Soul, Xiao Suhua version of Stone in the Sun-Dream Red Building as a case study, etc. A period of about 30 years, dance forms cover classical dance, (one-act) ballet, folk dance and modern ballet and other different genres, from the etymology of dance images, dance texts and genres, dance narrative techniques, The body language of dance body language and its regularity reveal five aspects, the whole body language of Lin Daiyu's dance image is studied. The first chapter briefly analyzes the characteristics of Lin Daiyu's image in literary works, film and television works and drama works, and combs the source of Lin Daiyu's dance body language. In the second chapter, the dance works and dance sections related to Lin Daiyu are taken as the research objects. The dance genres presented include dance sketches, dance poems and dance plays. The dance content is presented around two major themes in the original works. Select specific scenes (such as "Daiyu Funeral Flower", "Daiyu Burn manuscript", etc.) as well as the extension and adaptation of the original works. The third chapter, by using narrative analysis method, through observation and combing found that around the shaping of Lin Daiyu's image, there appeared following the original through narration, the main body psychological narrative, the clue stealth narration. There are five narrative techniques of theme variation and unfamiliarization. Chapter four analyzes Lin Daiyu's dance body language from the two perspectives of body context construction and dance body language. Firstly, the classic text and the choreographer's personality choice create two distinct body contexts for Lin Daiyu's dance image. Secondly, the body language of this image is made up of a variety of body language sources, the extraction and semantic direction of typical body language, and the ambiguity of emotional body language and semantic. The body language analysis of this chapter involves four aspects: classical dance, ballet, modern ballet, transformation of life language and dance language, indication and symbol of action, direct reference to meaning and connotation, and discusses the typical body language of Lin Daiyu. Finally, the fuzziness of body language is explained by the body motion of speech chain and associative plane. The fifth chapter, Lin Daiyu dance body language composition regularity combing. From the three angles of the restriction and deconstruction of the text, the mechanism of the generation of dance symbols, the combination and separation of the individuality and commonness of dance symbols, from micro to macro, from concrete to abstract, from general to regular, This paper analyzes the composition of dance symbols of Lin Daiyu's image, summarizes and summarizes the process, development and limitation of the formation of dance body language.


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